I’m excited to announce my agency now offers Allstate® Phone Protection Plus! It covers your phone from life’s everyday accidents, common malfunctions, PLUS much more. Call me today to try it risk-free for 30 days.
By learning life skills, such as empathy, resilience and stress-management, we can equip young people to respond to the ever-changing world. Read how The Allstate Foundation is partnering with CASEL to empower youth through social and emotional learning – and learn four ways you can help.
Inspire Future Leaders Through Social and Emotional Learning | The Allstate Foundation
Your day-to-day spending habits have a big impact on reaching your financial goals but keeping track can be hard. With Allstate My Money you can identify your goals and stay on track to achieve them. Call me today to get started.
Allstate My Money: Goals | Allstate
We want to wish a very Happy Birthday to all of our friends born in October! From all of us at our agency, we are wishing you a fantastic year ahead!
October is Fire Safety month! Did you know you should replace smoke alarms every 10 years? I can help you save 20% on one + free shipping: https://al.st/3iTDvtV
Before you start dreaming of toasted marshmallows, here’s what else to consider about planning a fire pit.
What to Consider About a Backyard Fire Pit | Allstate
Your world can change in an instant. Make sure your family is protected from life’s uncertainties with Allstate life insurance. Give me a call today.
Celebrating our niece Alyssa’s 1st Birthday.
High-rise shouldn’t mean high-rates. Call or message me to find out about available condo insurance discounts.
Your Social Security card may be needed for certain tasks, like getting a driver's license or changing your name. Learn what to do if you need a replacement card.
How to Replace Your Social Security Card | Allstate
Try Allstate® Phone Protection Plus risk-free for 30 days! It’s a NEW kind of protection that goes beyond typical smartphone coverage. Plans include premium tech support, 24/7 roadside assistance and identity theft remediation. Call me today to learn more.
Critical Illness Insurance from Allstate Benefits can include a Wellness benefit that pays annually for preventive examinations. And, group plans offer competitive rates only available through employers. Call my agency to learn more at 888-372-6670.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Did you know that life insurance can cover things beyond final expenses? I like to think of it as a financial safety net that can provide income, inheritance and more.
5 Uses for Life Insurance Benefits | Allstate
Meeting the insurance and financial needs of customers isn't just selling a service, it's helping people protect what matters most to them. We know that's more important than ever right now. Message me to learn about our Personal Financial Representative and Life Specialist opportunities.
We want to wish a very Happy Birthday to all of our friends born in November! From all of us at our agency, we are wishing you a wonderful year ahead!
Over the next several years, large sums of money will be changing hands. We are focused on helping women to invest confidently. Contact me to see how I can help you plan for your specific needs.
Check out these tips to help get your home ready for winter.
Home Maintenance Tasks to Do Before Winter | Allstate
6 in 10 people are terrified of how health care costs may derail their retirement plans. Contact me today to learn how we can help you create a plan that will help take the worry out of retirement.
Tu situación de taxes es única. Deja que los expertos en taxes bilingües de TurboTax ayuden a preparar tus taxes o que los preparen por ti de principio a fin. Aprovecha un descuento especial de Allstate: http://al.st/3a4Tcer
Don’t get stuck out on the road this winter! Allstate Roadside provides protection to keep you safe. You’ll get fast, trackable and reliable towing, jump starts, tire repair and more. Call me and get started today!
Roadside Assistance - Emergency Roadside Service | Allstate
You’ve never been in better hands for safe driving. Give my team a call if you’d like to learn more 888-372-6670!
Home is not a safe place for everyone. The pandemic has forced domestic violence victims to isolate at home with their abusers and limited their access to get help. Join me and The Allstate Foundation in supporting the Domestic Violence Response Fund to raise critical funds to support these survivors with resources and shelter. #CallForCourage https://al.st/2JqHTUT
Check out how The Allstate Foundation’s partnership with DonorsChoose was featured on NBC’s "Today" show. The school highlighted in this clip is just one of 1,585 that The Allstate Foundation supported to help students this year.
Elementary students practice gratitude with Thankful Thursdays
Ever had to fix a cracked phone screen? A phone protection plan may help pay for expensive repairs.
What Is A Phone Protection Plan? | Allstate