Dr. Jonathan Faro is board certified in Ob/Gyn, and has practiced in Houston since graduating from residency in 2011. After completing a combined MD/PhD at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Dr. Jonathan Faro moved to Houston to start his residency at The University of Texas Health Science Center. Here, he served as an Administrative Chief Resident during his final year of training. After completing his residency training, he joined the faculty as an Assistant Professor at UT-Houston in the department of Ob/Gyn.
Dr. Jonathan Faro's research interests have focused on robotic surgery and the development of a novel test for use in identifying certain infectious diseases. He has had abstracts accepted to conferences hosted by the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, American Society of Microbiology, the Central Association of Ob/Gyn, and the Infectious Diseases Society of Ob/Gyn. In addition, he was awarded a grant from Intuitive Surgical in 2012 as the PI of a study examining surgeon fatigue following laparoscopy. Dr. Jonathan Faro is looking forward to continuing his research in Ob/Gyn, and providing the best care possible to his patients.
Dr. Jonathan Faro currently maintains privileges at The Woman's Hospital of Texas, and is excited to start the next step in his career there, in a unique Practice with his father, Sebastian, and cousin, Connie.