Looking for more resources when it comes to the flu? Visit the CDC's website for the most up-to-date information:
What you need to know about influenza (flu) from CDC
Welcome Fall! What is your favorite part of autumn?🍂
Happy Monday! How’s you week starting out?
Congratulations to Hopewell Recreation and Parks and the Hopewell Riverwalk on being recognized and honored for this amazing award! 🏆 Have you been down to the Riverwalk? We know where we will be with these cooler temps coming!
Hopewell Recreation and Parks
September 11 at 5:23 PM ·
We are excited to share that the Hopewell Riverwalk has been recognized as a gold medal winner of the Governor's Environmental Excellence Awards! The gold medal is the highest honor of the program and the Riverwalk is among a small group of only six projects across the state to receive this prestigious designation. To read the full press release, please click on the link below.
September is National Childhood Obesity Month. According to the CDC, 1 in 5 children in the United States are obese. There are ways to help your child make healthy decisions!
1. Go for a walk as a family after dinner
2. Keep fresh fruit and vegetables within reach for snack time
3. Limit screen time, and encourage physical activity daily
4. Limit sugary drinks and be sure drinking water is always available
5. Be aware of your child's growth, and track weight changes
6. Be a role model..when your child sees you making smart diet decisions and being physically active, they will follow your lead.
The earlier you address eating and exercise habits, the less likely your child will suffer from lifelong health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, sleep disorders, certain cancers, etc.
Today is Virginia Day! From the beautiful shoreline to the amazing mountain tops, we sure do love our state. What is your favorite part about VA?
How do I transfer my prescriptions from my current pharmacy to Hometown Drug? Good news...We do the work for you! Call us at (804) 458-3784 with the other pharmacy's name and phone number, and we will take care of the rest.
Happy Friday!🍂
We wish we could say the flu isn't coming around this year, but it is. Here are some tips to remember to keep you and your family healthy!
✔️Wash your hands
✔️Avoid close contact with people who are sick
✔️Stay home when you are sick (fever, cough, sore throat, etc)
✔️Cover your mouth and nose
✔️Avoid touching your eyes, nose & mouth
✔️Get a Flu Shot
Today is National Child Health Day, and a time to reflect on all the ways children grow healthy and strong.Children deserve to be the healthiest they can be, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
To celebrate today consider going for a walk, cooking a meal together, or even having a dance party!
What an absolute honor to be nominated for Best of 2020!
Check out Hometown Drug.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness and was started to increase awareness about this disease. Join us to spread awareness this month! Wear pink. Schedule a mammogram. Educate yourself to know more about this type of cancer. Make a donation to a woman who needs screening. Share hope- are you or a family member survivor? Share your story if you are comfortable.
Happy Pumpkin Day! Here are some pumpkin facts you may, or may not know!
🎃 Pumpkins are a vegetable, not fruit
🎃 Pumpkin pie was not served at the first thanksgiving
🎃 Pumpkin beer is not a new thing; Pilgrims actually enjoyed it!
🎃Pumpkins grow (almost) everywhere- with the exception of Antarctica.
🎃The largest pumpkin pie ever made was 20 feet in diameter and weighed 3,699 pounds
🎃The average-size pumpkin contains about 1 cup of seeds
We know with COVID-19 still around there are a lot of questions! We recommend following the CDC website for up-to-date information and resources.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Did you know?!!? Elizabeth Greenleaf is recognized as the first female pharmacist in America, owning an apothecary shop in Boston in 1727. She is listed among the 32 apothecaries
in New England during the late 1600s and early 1700s.
Today marks the beginning of National Pharmacy Week! We want to thank all the pharmacists and technicians for their compassion and dedication to patient care. And a special shout out to our pharmacy team-truly the best!
Want to celebrate with us? Leave a special message in the comments for our pharmacy team!
Let's talk about Fall foliage! Right now is prime time to see the beautiful leaves change in the Blue Ridge and Central VA regions. Who is driving out to the mountains this weekend to take in all the beauty? Share your pictures with us below!
When it comes to hand sanitizer, the CDC recommends using if soap and water are not readily available! Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, and wash with soap and water as soon as you can.
Patients! Don’t ask for #antibiotics for viruses, like those that cause cold and flu. Instead, ask your #healthcare professional or #pharmacist how to feel better. http://bit.ly/2P5PNS5external
#BeAntibioticsAware #USAAW20
Great things happening in our community!
Hopewell Police Department
November 21 at 2:11 PM ·
Update - All we are closing it down. We are thankful to have given out the 22 tons of food today. Love our community. Have a blessed holiday!
Come on out y'all! We still have lots of food left to give away! We are at Hopewell High School! 💙
As we head into the holiday season, we just want to take a moment to say how thankful we are for our staff and customers. We couldn't do it without each and every one of you!
What are you thankful for?
We are antibiotics aware! During U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week, check out what our organization is doing to improve antibiotic prescribing and use: http://bit.ly/35zqDmqexternal
#USAAW20 #BeAntibioticsAware
Important information as the weather gets colder!
Prince George County Police Department
November 16 at 11:43 AM ·
We have had such a warm November, but as the weather starts to cool, keep these fireplace safety tips in mind! This infographic explains why small children are at risk for fireplace-related burns and provides some fireplace safety tips. #fireplacesafety #safetytips #brrrr #sweaterweather
This is a great article from Johns Hopkins Children's Center on the flu in children! Parents, take a second to read.
A Parent's Guide to the Flu
No matter who you are cheering for at tonight’s big game, please be safe!
Hopewell Police Department
February 4 at 8:16 AM ·
A game plan is the key to success. Make your own game plan before kick off by designating a sober driver. #DontDriveDrunk #SuperBowlLV #DriveSafe @DeptTransport @NHTSAgov @MADDOnline
Feel like those New Year Resolutions are still are work in progress? On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. You can do it!
Getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs comes from eating a healthy, balanced diet. Adding vitamins into your daily routine can help ensure you're not missing out on essential nutrients, especially if you are on a restricted diet or have a chronic medical condition. Vitamins C, D, and Zinc are vital for immune health during cold and flu season.
Talk to any of our pharmacists to learn more!
We want to know!!!!! Are we having a long winter or an early spring? What do you think?
Looking forward to this!!!
Hopewell Farmers Market
February 1 at 12:20 PM ·
Save the dates!!! We hope to host a fun "preview day" on April 1st but will stay in conjunction with the City on event protocol amidst the vaccine rollout. Our official launch day is May 20th! #farmersmarket #freshproduce #community #hopewell
It's #NationalPuzzleDay ! Did you know puzzles test memory and logical thinking, while stimulating the brain.
Word searches and crossword puzzles have the obvious benefit of increasing vocabulary and language skills. Sudoku, a puzzle sequencing a set of numbers on a grid, exercises the brain as well. By testing memory and logical thinking, this puzzle stimulates the brain and can improve number skills.
The bottom line is, puzzles stimulate the brain, keeping it active, and practicing its skills. What is your favorite puzzle to do?