Guest and Gray Law Firm

(on townsend)
Law and Courts in Rockwall, TX
Law and Courts
Lawyers and Law Firms


815 TL Townsend dr
Rockwall, TX


When you need legal help you can count on Guest and Gray. If you found our page you need help solving a legal problem. Take the time to review the information on this site and our blogs. If you can compare the reviews and ratings of Guest and Gray against any other local legal team. You will find that no one can match our results or our credentials.

My name is Scott Gray, and I am the Chief of Civil Litigation and a founding partner at Guest and Gray Law Firm. Guest and Gray Law Firm is a full service civil and criminal defense law firm serving the Dallas and Fort Worth Metroplex including Dallas, Kaufman, Rockwall, and surrounding counties.
Our home office is in Forney, Texas where we opened in 1967. We also have an office in Dallas (in the West End) and in Rockwall. Our firm is focused on family law, car accident and personal injury litigation, criminal defense, and probate.

Guest and Gray Law Firm is proud to be the highest rated (check out our Google and Avvo reviews) and largest law firm in Rockwall and Kaufman County. We are one of the few firms that focus on customer service and client satisfaction. Our client-centered approach shows when you read our former client testimonials.


Company name
Guest and Gray Law Firm
Law and Courts


  • What is the phone number for Guest and Gray Law Firm in Rockwall TX?
    You can reach them at: 972-722-7567. It’s best to call Guest and Gray Law Firm during business hours.
  • What is the address for Guest and Gray Law Firm on townsend in Rockwall?
    Guest and Gray Law Firm is located at this address: 815 TL Townsend dr Rockwall, TX 75087.