A funeral can be an expression of a life well lived. If the loved one had a hobby or life work that was important during his or her life, consider displaying items from that aspect of his or her life such as sporting equipment, crafting tools, a picture board. This is a very meaningful way in which to share that person s life with others.
Thankfully, the death of a loved one close to you isn t something that happens very often, but that means many have no idea what to do. A funeral home professional knows exactly what needs to be done, and will be able to guide you through the process.
We recognize that every family dynamic can be a little different from the rest, making funeral planning a challenge at times. No matter what level of assistance you need to make it all come together, our team is on your side.
Because the Jewish tradition places such a heavy importance on burying the body of the deceased within two to three days, a Jewish funeral home stresses pre-planning, which includes settling everything for family members after one's death.
Did you know that poems can be a special way to reflect on the life of a friend or loved one who has passed away? Grief counselors often recommend some form of journaling or poetry-writing as a healthy way of dealing with the strong emotions of grief.
Funeral homes are on call 24/7, 365 days a year. All of these businesses have either a voicemail system or an employee that will assist you.