Many people assume that filing for bankruptcy protection will effectively wipe out all their debts. This is not exactly true, though, and we explain why in our latest blog.
Garnishment is an alarming prospect for families and individuals struggling to make ends meet. When facing considerable debt and harassing creditors, the threat of wage garnishment compounds the stress of financial hardship. Read our latest blog to learn more:
Louisiana consumers who are considering filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy might wonder how it will affect their ability to keep or purchase a car. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows a person to work out a payment plan and keep some assets. Read our latest blog to learn more.
Student loan debt can be one of the most difficult financial concerns for graduates in Louisiana and across the country. Unlike credit card debt, mortgages and other types of debt, the money owed on student loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. Read our latest blog to learn more.
Residents throughout Louisiana and the rest of the United States have racked up a cumulative credit card debt of more than $1 trillion, beginning to creep towards 2007 levels. Read our latest blog to learn more.
The calls never stop, and the bills keep coming. You never know how you are going to get through to the next paycheck. Does this sound familiar? Bankruptcy might be what you need. Read our latest blog to learn more.