Happy first day of summer! Each season is associated with one of the 5 elements in Chinese medicine. No surprise, summer is governed by the fire element. It's hot, the energy flow is outward as evidenced by growth of grass and trees and the abundance of fruits and flowers. Did you know that we are also influenced by the 5 elements and that imbalances in each element within us can cause symptoms? Fire imbalances in the body can manifest as heart and blood vessel issues such as arrhythmia and hypertension. An imbalanced fire element can also cause too much joy which looks like mania or being an adrenaline junkie. Someone with a fire element issue may have either an intense craving for or dislike of bitter foods such as coffee or dark chocolate and may struggle with anxiety or insomnia. The good news is that acupuncture can help keep your fire in check so that you can enjoy the summer.
We have enjoyed seeing familiar faces and look forward to continuing to serve you.
We are open but please remember to schedule since we have limited capacity right now. Also, we are not offering sheets, blankets, pillows, eye masks, or ear plugs at this time. You are welcome to bring your own.
On Fridays in October we wear pink. I wear my survivor t shirt to celebrate my own victory over this terrible disease. But mostly, to honor my mother, my sister, several cousins, and the many women still fighting this battle. With so much happening I want you to know that I have not forgotten you. I am cheering for you. And I stand ready to support you in your health and wellness.
We only have 2 spots left for Saturday so schedule soon if you want to come in!
We made the decision to close due to the safety of all our clients. We are planning to reopen Friday weather permitted. I hope you stay warm and safe. Enjoy your time with your families!
We made it! Power and pipes are intact so we are resuming normal hours this week. Thank you to all who called and texted to make sure we were ok. We appreciate you.
Allison is back! She only has 2 appointments open this morning so hurry and schedule before they're gone.
Last week's announcement by Gov. Abbott caused a lot of controversy and laid a heavy burden on business owners. Small businesses are already struggling because of the pandemic and now we are faced with an impossible decision. No matter what we decide, half of our clients are going to be upset. Please understand that I thought long and hard about this decision and have made 1 minor change - masks are strongly recommended but not required in the reception area. I feel comfortable with this because we usually only have 1 person in the reception area at a time anyway. You already have the option to remove your mask at your chair because at 50% capacity the nearest person to you is over 12 feet away. Allison and I will continue to wear masks.