After a 3 year battle in the Bankruptcy Court, Genova & Malin has finally got the Court to recognize that debtors may bifurcate and satisfy tax liens in bankruptcy. The benefit of this is that a debtor May now substantially reduce his or her tax debt and repay same over a 3 to 5 year period interest and penalty free.
If you have IRS or NYS tax liens filed against you and are really struggling to pay off tax obligations call us for a free consultation today.
Making tremendous strides under Federal Bankruptcy Law in helping people get their federal and state taxes under control so that they can pay them over a 5 year period without the requirement to pay interest and penalties during the tax repayment period.
In many cases we are able to get substantial reductions in the amount that the taxpayer has to pay.
If you or someone you know needs more information regarding tax debt contact us for a free consultation.
Remember always that life is a journey with many bumps in the road. Reach out when you need help either with finances, depression or grief!!!!
Today is the best day to start your journey to obtaining peace of mind and restructure your financial situation.
Why Waiting to File Bankruptcy Can Hurt You
So great to get so many likes. We try very hard here to make sure our clients are well taken care of and receive the best advice possible. No feeling comes close to knowing you have turned someone’s stress into a workable life plan!!!!!
Genova & Malin updated their address.