Did you recently invest in tinted windows? If so, it is important that you know how to properly care for them! Here are some tips: http://bit.ly/2rd0abB
Window tinting can reduce the temperature inside vehicles by 60 percent. #Fact
Before having your windows tinted, know the laws that govern your area. https://bit.ly/3krLsb3
Tints aren't one size fits all. Talk to one of our experts about options available to you. #Tip
Survey: What are your priorities when it comes to looking for a window tinting service?
Adjustable window tinting may one day be available on new vehicles. https://bit.ly/3kufvyL
We provide personalized, custom residential, auto, and commercial window tinting services around Riverside, CA, working with individuals and businesses on a daily basis. Call (951) 683-5420 today.
Question of the Day: Would you like to see anything from us in the future? Please let us know!
Over time, window tint can break down. Is it time for new tint in your vehicle?
Survey: When was the last time, if ever, you had your windows tinted?
Pro tip: Many people install window tints to keep the sun at bay, but window tinting can also reduce the amount of heat inside the car by about 50%!
The following are some key benefits to having the windows in your office tinted. Check them out! http://bit.ly/2WtGK0H
#ProTip Park in the shade when cleaning your tinted windows. This will allow them to dry slowly, reducing streaks.
At what point do you think getting your windows re-tinted is absolutely necessary? #wewanttohearfromyou #questionoftheday
What level of tint do you prefer? #wewanttohearfromyou #questionoftheday
Fun fact: Tinting your car's windows can help to reduce the sun glare in your eyes, which in turn can lead to less distracted driving.
In some states, installers are required to place a sticker indicating the level of tint is legal. #Fact
Have you ever wondered about the benefits of having your windows tinted? Check it out: http://bit.ly/2WtGK0H
What particular skills and attributes do you value most in a window tinting service? Tell us your thoughts.
When it comes to keeping windows clean, this article has some tips you may find to be helpful. https://bit.ly/2wNDXUf
Would you like to find a professional window tinting service? Is the tinting for your your home, business, or automobile? Let us know.
Out of all the windows you own, what ones do you feel need to be tinted the most? Share your comments below.
Survey: How important would you consider window tinting services to be for homeowners or vehicle owners? Share your comments.
Freeway Tint provides over 20 years of experience in the auto tinting world, offering the dedication and quality service that our community needs. Call today at (951) 683-5420.