We can assist you with all aspects of your residential design project. This includes everything from analyzing your requirements and design needs, to choosing an appropriate site and helping you develop a plan that will meet your needs.
When the Tacoma Narrows Bridge failed in 1940, it revolutionized architectural and structural engineering. A popular case study in engineering programs, the bridge is used to demonstrate the combined effects of wind, weight, and vibration on structures that lack sufficient strength, rigidity, and stability.
The architect professional really began to develop as a distinct discipline during the Renaissance period. Until this time, the practice of architecture was not a recognized profession and the designer of buildings did not have a clearly defined place within the trades.
One of the biggest benefits to bringing in an architectural engineer lies in the creative problem solving skills they offer. They will help you to meet and overcome the challenges of energy needs, building systems, urban development, and community planning.
When you have an older building, it can be difficult to determine exactly what changes you must make to bring the building up to code. Working with us is a perfect way to ensure the plans are created correctly.
Architectural engineers are also often called professional engineers or PEs. They're specially trained to plan, design, and/or supervise the construction of a wide variety of buildings. Architectural engineers focus on the application of engineering principles to the construction and design process.
Developed from modernist architecture, Brutalism is characterized by the hard, repetitive angles created in the building shapes. While the material associated the most with Brutalism is concrete, the style focuses on displaying the texture of any given material that makes up the building.
One job of an architectural engineer is to ensure that mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems integrate seamlessly with a structure. This should in turn complement and support the overall building design and aesthetics.
When you work with an architect, you will be able to create a building that is attractive to tenants and will remain so through the years, bringing a substantial return on your investment.
The bottom line is, a well designed house is going to have a much higher resale value. Thus, when embarking on a new residential building project, investing in architectural services can be really cost efficient in the long run.
Check out BXVL next time your in Bronxville! Wishing BXVL our very best and can’t wait to check out the Station Master’s House next year! It was a pleasure working with the owners
bxvlcoffeehouse is in Bronxville, New York.
October 10 at 7:24 AM · Bronxville, NY ·
Thank you @westchestermagazine and @michellegillanlarkin for the story. A heartfelt thanks from the bxvlcoffeehouse team.
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One aspect of construction that architectural engineers focus on is safety and preparedness. They are responsible not only for designing fire protection systems but also for looking at the best way to prepare for potential flooding, storm, or other incidents.
Bevis Hillier, a journalist and art historian from England, is responsible both for a revival of Art Deco and its overall popularity. His 1968 book coined the term "Art Deco," and a 1971 art display refocused attention to the lost style.
If getting your project to come in on budget is a critical factor, working with an architect is a good idea. Since we’re experienced in all the variables associated with residential construction, we can give you a more accurate idea of how much a particular project will cost.
Had an opportunity to visit BXVL at the Bronxville Metro North Station today for both work and pleasure and got to catch up with the owner. Took some field notes for a grand historical semicircular window replacement and had a delicious cup of coffee and biscotti under the beautiful domed ceiling of the reception area. A definite must do next time you are in Bronxville! The coffee, treats and sandwiches are absolutely delicious! @bxvlcoffeehouse #metronorth #bronxville #bronxvillemoms #bronxvilleny #bronxvillevillage #bronxvillerealestate #westchester #westchesterdesign #westchesterarchitecture #nycarchitecture #nyccoffee #bronxvillepo #bronxvilleyonkers #eastchester #tuckahoe
Doors open inward in homes, because they sometimes have to be removed from the hinges in order to allow furniture to be moved in. If the hinges were on the outside, burglars could also remove them.
Would you like to create a unique home that features living spaces which reflect who you are? Our architects specialize in designing homes that offer a beautiful reflection on the hopes, passions and dreams of our clients.
Probably the most famous and well-known American architect is Frank Lloyd Wright, who is renowned for his prairie style homes, which follow the principles of organic architecture.
As part of our architectural services, we will create a budget estimate based on preliminary plans to ensure that the planned scope of work is affordable to you. If the plans exceed your intended budget, then we will make the necessary adjustments.
One of the most renowned buildings in Portugal is the Abbey of Batalha, which is one of the best and original examples of Late Gothic architecture. This beautiful monastery amazes onlookers with its profusion of gables, spires, pinnacles, and buttresses.
Why consult an architectural engineer? No matter where you live in the US, it’s likely you’re in an earthquake zone. At least 41 of the 50 states are according to FEMA at “moderate to high risk” of experiencing an earthquake.
Have you been disappointed in all the available homes that you’re able to find on the market? When even the new construction homes don’t offer you the features you require, it may be time to consider having an architect design a custom home for you.
Italianate style homes feature large block like shapes, with some homes reaching 4 stories. They are often topped with square cupolas on the top floors, creating perfect vantage points. Large staircases can be found at the entrance.