The younger and healthier you are, the lower your annual premium may be. If you're thinking about life insurance and need a place to start, I can help you understand your options.
If you're playing golf on a cold morning, keep a ball in your pocket when driving to the course. Studies show that a warmer, 70- to 80-degree ball travels 5 to 10 yards further than a colder, 40-degree ball. If you golf like me, every little bit helps. Now if I could just putt...
Farmers Open is in two weeks. Hit me up if you want Farmers discounted tickets. We have special bleacher seating with a large bar by the 17th Green. Tremendous spot. Great deal on tickets plus all the proceeds go to charity.
For many growing businesses, establishing a strong presence online can be crucial for standing out in today’s economy. But digital systems have their own risks and vulnerabilities, especially if you’re managing your customers’ information. Give me a call to learn more about business insurance options, including cybercrime coverage, so you can select what you want for your business.
When you’re younger, I know that “life insurance” takes a back seat to more pressing matters… like wondering how old is “too old” to own a futon. But, you should reconsider. Getting a policy early may secure a lower rate and help protect your financial future.
Call me today and let’s chat about what options work best for you. And also about how you should get rid of your futon.
Pulling for Farmers Insurance friend Rickie Fowler at this year's
British Open. Maybe it's time for a vacation.