Check out this fascinating write-up on the new LiDAR sensor featured on the new iPad Pro! While we have seen this technology before; the implementation on this device has a much wider application use-case. Read all about it at: (
LIDAR: Peek Into The Future with iPad Pro
Extra extra! Read all about it! Apple just announced an update to the iPhone SE model. In-line with the iPhone 8's design, this new model provides a powerful device at a very low cost. Read more from Apple: (
iPhone SE: A powerful new smartphone in a popular design
How to: Remote work! This awesome article details the five "levels" of remote work. Definitely had us thinking about how we're doing things in these crazy times... check it out:
The Five Levels of Remote Work — and why you’re probably at Level 2
Ever forgotten one of your bajillion passwords? Well have we got the good word for you! The latest rumor for iOS 14 (expected to come out later this year) is it will feature a password manager similar to 1Password or LastPass. Read on: (
iOS 14: Keychain password manager to gain new 1Password-like features - 9to5Mac
After having just considered a solution for this; we are psyched to see all the options there are! From dual-boot to virtualization, there are nuances to any route you go.
Exceed can help your business find the right path for your Mac computers! (
How to get Windows 10 on your Mac
"If you host it, they will come" Nefarious users are finding ways to intrude on Zoom calls they're not invited to. Wanna learn how to lock-down your meetings to prevent unwelcome guests in your Zoom calls? Read all about it at:
Feature Spotlight: Zoom Security - Zoom Blog
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