Here you can find a wide variety of supplies for creating models or for any of your hobby needs.
We have a large selection of models to choose from kits of all kinds - cars, planes, Star Wars, spaceships , helicopters, ships, sci-fi, robots and many more. We carry Revell, Guillow's, Italeri, Pegasus, Dumas aircraft - just to name a few.
We have a large selection of R/C toys from beginner to experienced. We carry all sorts of supplies for building models and hobby projects.
We have paints, plastics, wood, parts, zap glue, balsa wood, tools and so much more. Model rocket motors, plastruct plastic center, MonoKote, wood propellors, wood strips, K&S Metal Center, Pinewood Derby cars and so much more.
Need your RC car, plane, helicopter or boat repaired? Contact us to see if we can help you with your RC projects, gas and electric, we also do custom paint jobs for your lexan body.