Did you realize a clean cut helps preserve a healthy lawn? Of course, we're talking about mower blades! Using a dull blade mangles grass ends, leaving them more vulnerable to disease and predation by insects. Sharp blades help maintain a healthier and more attractive lawn.
Did you know that some Japanese tea gardens contain an outer garden which is separated from the main one? This configuration hearkens back to early Japanese architecture. The outer garden, containing mostly deciduous plants, is a clean neat place made to symbolize eternal life.
J. Carter Brown once said, “No one will understand a Japanese garden until you've walked through one, and you hear the crunch underfoot, and you smell it, and you experience it over time.”
Just because you love cactus, doesn't mean you have to give up growing medicinal plants. Can you guess which succulent adapted for warm, dry weather is also a very versatile home remedy for bug bites and burns? If you guessed the aloe vera plant, you're right.
Fall fertilization ensures the future growth of your trees and grass by feeding their roots and giving them sustenance for the long winter ahead. It is also the best way to make sure that your grass and trees receive the nutrition that they may have lost after a long summer and spring.
One common type of sprinkler is the impact sprinkler, which provides the most even watering pattern and covers large areas efficiently. These sprinklers work by throwing a pulse of water in a circular pattern.