For the past 28 years, Dr. Catherine Vanderloos has been one of the leading gynecologist based in Shreveport, LA, providing compassionate, superior healthcare for women of all ages. Dr. Vanderloos is a NAMS Certified Menopause Practitioner (North American Menopause Society) and is uniquely interested in improving the health and quality of life of women going through menopause. She is a Board Certified member of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and a member of ISSWSH (International Society for Study of Women's Sexual Health), ASCCP (American Society of Colposcopy and Cytopathologoy), and NVA (National Vulvodynia Association).
Dr. Vanderloos is married to Dr. David Scarborough and mother of three daughters, Mary, Evelyn, and Sarah and grandmother to Emma Lynne. She enjoys knitting and crocheting, reading, and collecting all kinds of art (please come to the office and enjoy a tour and look for her tent each year at the Red River Revel) and spending time with her family.