IMPORTANT REMINDER! Get out and VOTE! Primary Election Day is June 23, 2020. Long lines are expected, but you can request an absentee ballot by clicking this link: . We followed the link and requested our absentee ballots in less than 60 seconds. Just make sure you request your absentee ballot by June 15, 2020. Share this post so all of your friends can easily access the link and request their absentee ballots. Make your voice heard!
Home Page - Kentucky State Board of Elections
Re-posting this drowning message from last year, especially considering growth of backyard pools this summer. Our fresh blog on the topic is here: Have a great Memorial Day, be safe, and please put down the phone while kids are in and around the pool.
Please SLOW DOWN and pass this along to family and friends who might have speedsters in the family. The near-empty streets of COVID-19 quarantine have resulted in an increase of speeding (locally and nationally).
Higher speeds = less control, more serious injuries and increased fatalities.
#personalinjury #wrongfuldeath #wrecklessdriving #speeding #carwrecks
Speeding During COVID-19 Quarantine | Louisville | DeCamillis & Mattingly
Robert Mattingly and the KJA Board of Governors
CONGRATULATIONS to Robert D. Mattingly who was sworn in last week as Vice President of the Kentucky Justice Association, Kentucky’s largest trial lawyer association fighting to protect Kentuckians’ 7th Amendment Rights. Being trusted with this leadership position is quite an honor.
Holiday Greetings to all our friends, for whom we are sincerely thankful!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love seeing all the photos of people wearing our Law Firm Mask !!!
DeCamillis & Mattingly, PLLC
November 6 at 10:32 AM ·
Love receiving all the photos of people wearing our firm masks! Keep sending them in and we will make you famous also! Looking great Chris & Nancy!
Love receiving all the photos of people wearing our firm masks! Keep sending them in and we will make you famous also! Looking great Chris & Nancy!
CONGRATULATIONS to Joseph Fields III and John Wm Lyndon Morgan, the winners of our Teamster “Facebook” drawing! You have each won $250.00 cash for “liking” the DeCamillis & Mattingly, PLLC Facebook page. We will contact each of you separately to coordinate sending your prize money. Everyone else, stay safe and stay tuned for future drawings!
We're proud to launch Episode 1 of our Life, Love & Law podcast!
Please let us know what you think. We hope you'll find it interesting and compelling. If you enjoy the episode, we'd appreciate it if you'd consider sharing it.
Focus for the Future: Interview with Tim Barnett - DeCamillis & Mattingly