Before you start dreaming of toasted marshmallows, here’s what else to consider about planning a fire pit.
What to Consider About a Backyard Fire Pit | Allstate
Window screens and potted plants are just a few examples of items that could pose danger to your pet. Learn more.
Household Items That Can Be Dangerous to a Pet's Safety | Allstate
Have you ever read your insurance policy and wondered what terms like HO-3 or HO-4 mean? Learn about home insurance forms here.
Types of Home Insurance Policy Forms | Allstate
If you’ve been thinking about getting life insurance, but not sure which type is right for you and your family, this tool can help.
LifeTrek | Allstate Insurance
Happy autumn! With a new season upon us, please let us know if you have any additional insurance needs. We're here to help!
Thinking about lending your car to a friend? Here's what you should know in case there's an accident.
Does My Car Insurance Cover Other Drivers? | Allstate
As you look toward 2021 and beyond, now is a great time to review your finances to make sure you're on track to reach your goals. For a complimentary financial review, call me today.
If you’re someone who doesn’t drive a lot, I can help you save a lot. With pay-per-mile insurance you could be paying only for the miles you drive. Get in touch and let’s work together to see how much you can save. Isn’t it time you got some help driving down your costs?
Is a road trip in your future? See how to help protect your identity while you're away from home.
Help Prevent Identity Theft While on Vacation | Allstate
Help pass down a bright financial future to your loved ones. Call me to find out how Allstate life insurance can help.
If you're driving less these days, you can save 50%. Consider a simple way to save with our pay-per-mile car insurance. Contact my agency to get a quote today!
We want to wish a very Happy Birthday to all of our friends born in October! From all of us at our agency, we are wishing you a fantastic year ahead!
Deer become very active in the fall. Here are some safe driving tips to help keep you safe on the road.
Deer Season: 5 Safe Driving Tips | The Allstate Blog
Want to pay for car insurance based on how much you drive? Give my agency a call at 570-675-1015 and ask about Milewise.
Pay-Per-Mile Car Insurance | Allstate
Did you know two out of three smartphones get damaged each year? Let’s protect yours with Allstate® Phone Protection Plus. Get affordable, award-winning protection, PLUS things like premium tech support and identity theft remediation. Call me to try it risk-free for 30 days.
Your Social Security card may be needed for certain tasks, like getting a driver's license or changing your name. Learn what to do if you need a replacement card.
How to Replace Your Social Security Card | Allstate
Critical Illness Insurance from Allstate Benefits can include a Wellness benefit that pays annually for preventive examinations. And, group plans offer competitive rates only available through employers. Call my agency to learn more at 570=675-1015.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
A disability from an illness or injury can affect an employee’s finances. I can help individuals and families protect their finances with Disability Insurance through Allstate Benefits. Contact my agency to see how at <INSERT PHONE>.
Disability Insurance from Allstate Benefits
Many of us are driving less. If this sounds familiar, I’m happy to answer your questions about Allstate pay-per-mile.
Island | Allstate
Don’t get stuck out on the road this winter! Allstate Roadside provides protection to keep you safe. You’ll get fast, trackable and reliable towing, jump starts, tire repair and more. Call me and get started today!
Roadside Assistance - Emergency Roadside Service | Allstate
Check out how The Allstate Foundation’s partnership with DonorsChoose was featured on NBC’s "Today" show. The school highlighted in this clip is just one of 1,585 that The Allstate Foundation supported to help students this year.
Elementary students practice gratitude with Thankful Thursdays
This holiday season, pass down the gift of a secure financial future with Allstate life
insurance. Let's talk today and find the right plan for you and your family.
Merry Christmas from the Dan Yarros Agency!
The holidays are a time to show your family just how much you care. This year, consider protecting them with a life insurance policy. It's the gift that truly keeps on giving. Call me for a quote.
At a moments notice, can you locate your most important files such as tax returns, wills, and birth certificates? With the vault feature within Allstate My Money, you can. Contact me today to get started.
Allstate My Money: Secure Vault | Allstate
Home Tip of the Week: It's been a seller's market for real estate. If you're preparing to purchase your first home or a new home, we have compiled some tips to get you started.
Prepare for Buying Your First Home: (3 Helpful Tips) | Allstate
Want to keep your car in good shape? Check out this article to help you maintain it in top condition.
10 Car Maintenance Tips | Allstate
Your piggy bank is going to love you. Save by becoming a new customer, adding Drivewise and having safe driving habits. Oink oink.
Make tax season less taxing with Allstate My Money. From past returns to medical receipts, the Vault feature lets you safely store and organize important financial documents to help make filing a breeze. Contact me to get started.
Allstate My Money: Secure Vault | Allstate
Spring is in the air! Let us know if you have any new insurance needs, we are here to help.