And Remember You Are The CEO of The FUN Department - have a great Weeknd and maneje con cuidado -
Nuestra Clientela Reconoce Que Nuestro Oficina los aprecia -
We want to thank you for ur business and specially valuing our robust services - Thank U - ❤️
Less is More -
Call Us 213 455 4114. - We are here to help you stay insured 😍
pets at work - happy Wednesday and thank u to
All clients for learning and using the fabulous #Allstate #mobileapp
Happy Sunday n Imagine The Journey to Great Week ahead ❤️🇺🇸
Allstate staff is honoring and celebrating the LIFE of Dr MLK - we are are creating a community of kindness & compassion and collaborating with all our clients during these times -
DR King’s book :
— “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?” — excellent read -
Credit : Joshua Miller
Which is better? A #Leader with "Influence or Control"
CONTROL: Unilateral ability to make something happen.
INFLUENCE: Ability to affect someone else's thinking.
Successful #leadership is influence, not authority or control. Leaders should always be close enough to relate to others but far enough ahead to motivate them.
If you truly want people to respect your leadership, then prove to them they can survive & thrive even without you.
The best leaders have these 4 key influencing #skills:
ORGANIZATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: They understand how to get things done and embrace the reality of working within organizational politics to move teams and important initiatives forward.
TEAM PROMOTION: Leaders cut through the noise to authentically but credibly promote themselves & what’s good for the organization.
BUILD TRUST: Because leadership often involves guiding people through risk and change, trust is essential.
LEVERAGE NETWORK: No leader is an island. They are empowered by their connections with others.
In the end, "AIM for influence, not control"
Coaching can help, let's chat. | Joshua Miller
Our Xmas party - we wish everyone a happy holidays - From all of us
We love organic food employees customers pets - please join amd PICK a role