Did you know that the parvovirus can live in the environment for as long as a year? Despite aggressive treatment, some dogs aren’t able to survive the disease. Vaccination can save you from the expense and the pain of losing a beloved pet.
The word veterinarian was derived from the Latin “veterinae”, meaning ‘working animals’. The term veterinarian was coined by Thomas Browne in 1646 and is cited by the Oxford English Dictionary as the source of the word.
Did you know that Dalmatians are pure white when they are born? The spots don’t appear until they’re at least four weeks of age. More interestingly, these spots can also be blue, brindle, or lemon in color!
Heartworm is a serious and deadly disease that may cause organ failure in an infected animal. Transmitted through the bite of a mosquito, heartworm primarily affects dogs, cats, and ferrets. In dogs, heartworms can live for 5 to 7 years.
Those working at animal hospitals are some of the most compassionate people you’ll ever meet. Not only do they care about animals, but they also empathize with pet owners during their most difficult periods.
Between the years 1930-1939, only 0.8 percent of veterinary school graduates were women, according to the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians. Today, almost 80% of practicing vets are women!
The Basenji is known as the only breed of dog that doesn’t bark. The sound they make is called a yodel, which is a form of singing. Basenjis originally came from Central Africa and were bred as hunters.
The job of a vet is just as tough as that of a physician, if not tougher. Because animals can’t talk, vets have to rely heavily on animal behavior and are required to have keen observation skills.
Cats spend around 30 to 50 percent of their day licking themselves. They do this to cool down, improve blood flow, and cover their scent so they can’t be tracked by predators.
While most vets cater to companion animals such as dogs and cats, 16 percent of vet services are dedicated to farm animals and wildlife. Six percent of vet services are dedicated to horses.
Canine distemper is a highly contagious viral disease that is characterized by fever, cough, eye and nasal discharge, lethargy, vomiting, and even seizures in more serious cases. The disease has a 50% fatality rate.
Spaying or neutering your pets not only help prevent unwanted litters but could also save your pet’s life. Neutering male animals helps prevent prostate and testicular cancer while spaying female pets helps prevent breast and uterine tumors.
Regarded as one of the most compassionate vets in history, Dr. William Llewelyn Lloyd-Jones was known for saving abandoned pets during World War II. He purchased an estate merely to house all kinds of animals.
Preventing disease is a lot cheaper than cure. Regular visits to a veterinarian can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars from expensive surgeries and treatments that could’ve been preventable.
A 2009 study reported that micro-chipped cats were 20 times more likely to be returned home than cats that aren't, while micro-chipped dogs were 2.5 times more likely to be found than dogs without.
Maintain an up-to-date list of your pet’s medications, and the schedule on which they are administered. In the event of an emergency, we need to be sure that the care we administer does not conflict with on-going procedures.
The most owned pet in the US is neither dog nor cat, but fish! According to APPA, there are 139.3 million freshwater fish kept as pets. In comparison, there are 94.2 million pet cats and 89.7 million pet dogs.
Because of their curious nature, it’s not unusual for puppies to experience vomiting and diarrhea. However, because they are more prone to dehydration, it’s important to rush them to an animal hospital if symptoms persist for more than 24 hours.
Pets that suffer from certain medical conditions may require some dietary changes. For instance, dogs with kidney problems should be given high-quality protein with reduced sodium and phosphorous. Animal nutrition is one of the things a vet will discuss with you during hospital visits.
Did you know that of all animal hospital visits for dogs, 25% stem from a skin or coat problem? The other visits are due to illness, immunization, abrasions, and cuts.
To help prevent injuries, always keep your pet on a leash when you walk it, regardless of how well-trained it is. You never know how other animals are being walked or what may cause your pet to suddenly bolt into danger.
One of the most common emergencies we see is heat exhaustion and stroke caused by leaving a pet in a car on warm or hot days. If the weather is warm, or going to be warm, leave your pet at home. Simply cracking windows open is not a preventive measure.
Heartworm is a parasitic roundworm that is spread by infected mosquitos. It can result in severe lung disease in cats. Contact your cat’s vet to discuss its prevention.
Cats beat both dogs and humans when it comes to heart rate. While a typical cat’s heart rate ranges from 140-220 beats per minutes, dogs are at 60-140. A human heart rate ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute.
Do you know that dogs are just as prone to getting heart disease as people are? In fact, dogs and people share more than 400 ailments and illnesses.
Puppies are born blind and deaf. Because they are still developing, they come with their eyes shut and ear canals closed. Most dogs reach their full vision and are able to hear voices at around 8 weeks.
Overweight pets can be susceptible to heart disease. To prevent this, give them the portion of the meal that’s just right for them. Talk to a vet to understand your pet’s nutrition requirements.
What factors can cause a dog to have a heart attack? They include a tumor of the heart, nephrotic syndrome, vasculitis, and parasitic disease. Diagnosis of these conditions requires a heart scan and blood tests.
Do you know that puppies grow to half their body weight in the first 4 to 5 months? Small dog breeds, such as Chihuahuas, can reach their full size by 10 months to 1 year of age.
Did you know 30% of all Dalmatians are deaf in one or both ears? This hearing loss is associated with a gene involved in their patchy piebald coloration.
Some of the common causes of diarrhea in cats are spoiled food, intestinal parasites, allergies, liver disease, infection, cancer, and more. See a vet immediately if you notice dark, or bloody stools, vomiting, lethargy, fever, or loss of appetite.
What is Feline Leukemia Virus (FelV)? FelV is a transmittable RNA retrovirus that can severely weaken a cat’s immune system. First discovered in the 1960s, it is one of the most common causes of disease and death in cats.
What are the common signs of a heart attack in a dog? Heart attack in dogs can cause sudden collapse, blue gums, coma and loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, irregular or racing heartbeat, and even death.
Great Danes are known for their large size. Do you know that male Great Danes can attain an impressive height of 30 to 34 inches and weigh as much as 120 to 200 pounds?
Did you know a dog can smell anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 times better than the average human? In fact, the part of the brain in dogs that is dedicated to smell is 40X larger than in humans.
Omega-3 fatty acids, for example from fish oil, may help reduce inflammation in the animals’ body. They have also been shown to help manage abnormal heart rhythms and to prevent muscle loss in animals.
Cats with heart disease are more vulnerable to dangerous blood clots that can break off and cause paralysis of the legs. Thus, it’s important to get your pet’s heart health screened regularly by a vet.
Nephrotic Syndrome in dogs and cats causes a significant loss of protein that protects against excessive blood clots. It is a rare complication that also causes heart attacks.
Fleas are a very common problem in cats. Its signs include tiny black dots on the skin, frequent licking, constant scratching, hair loss, red or irritated skin, skin infections, or hotspots. Talk to your vet about flea control.
Selenium is an antioxidant necessary to sustain the life of dogs. This trace mineral fights damaging free radicals that can contribute to heart disease and cancer in your canine.
It has been found that as many as 3% of cats seen by vets have feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). It describes a group of diseases that affect the bladder and urethra of cats.
Amino acids in animals work in the same way as they do in humans. For example, Taurine, an amino acid that dogs can make, helps the heart pump effectively. Its deficiency can cause the heart to weaken.
Do you know that since bulldogs have extremely short muzzles, they spend most of their life fighting suffocation? Some other dog breeds such as Boston terrier and pugs are also susceptible to heavier breathing due to the same reason.
The bodies of cats are extremely flexible. The skeleton comprises of more than 230 bones, and the pelvis and shoulders loosely attach to the spine. This makes their body flexible and allows them to fit through small spaces.
Do you know that cats have better memories than dogs? Studies conducted by the University of Michigan have found that while a dog's memory lasts just 5 minutes, a cat's memory can last as long as 16 hours.
Cats and dogs don’t typically have heart attacks from clogged arteries. This is because they are very good at digesting fats. They carry more of good cholesterol i.e. HDL (high-density lipoprotein), so saturated fats aren’t a problem.
The hearts of dogs and cats are almost identical to humans, except for a few differences in valves and the coronary, or blood vessels, that supply the heart with nutrients and blood.
What is Vasculitis? It is a term used to describe a variety of skin diseases that are caused by the inflammation of blood vessels. In dogs and cats, vasculitis is treated with medications.
Fleas can cause hair loss, skin infections, tapeworms, anemia and several other problems in your pets. Do you know that it’s possible you will never see a flea, even though they’re certainly in your home?
If your pet swallows a poisonous food, don’t try to induce the vomiting yourself as this can do more harm than good. Rather, call the vet or animal hospital immediately.
Bloating is a medical emergency. If left unattended, it leads to stomach twisting and death in most dogs. Bloat is especially common in large, deep-chested dogs like Great Danes and Irish Setters.
Maintaining a healthy weight can help your cat or dog live a significantly longer life. In fact, a study has shown that being overweight can shorten a Labrador Retriever’s lifespan by 2–3 years.
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself, too.” - Samuel Butler
Obesity puts pets at a higher risk of several diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, skin diseases, diabetes, liver disease, urinary tract disease, joint and disc problems, incorrect response, and early death.
Bloating is a medical emergency. If left unattended, it leads to stomach twisting and death in most dogs. Bloat is especially common in large, deep-chested dogs like Great Danes and Irish Setters.
Maintaining a healthy weight can help your cat or dog live a significantly longer life. In fact, a study has shown that being overweight can shorten a Labrador Retriever’s lifespan by 2–3 years.
Rabies is a preventable disease that can cause a strange array of signs leading to death. Vaccinating your pet against rabies is the most important step you can take in keeping the spread of rabies in check.
A nice and true quote by James Cromwell: “Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.”
“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself, too.” - Samuel Butler
Obesity puts pets at a higher risk of several diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, skin diseases, diabetes, liver disease, urinary tract disease, joint and disc problems, incorrect response, and early death.
Bloating is a medical emergency. If left unattended, it leads to stomach twisting and death in most dogs. Bloat is especially common in large, deep-chested dogs like Great Danes and Irish Setters.
Maintaining a healthy weight can help your cat or dog live a significantly longer life. In fact, a study has shown that being overweight can shorten a Labrador Retriever’s lifespan by 2–3 years.