Is your area rug looking dirty?? I bet your first thought is to throw it away and buy a new one. Now you are probably thinking about how expensive area rugs are. Don’t stress it, let CleanTech help. We use the process of agitating and extracting to clean your area rug. Your rug will be clean and cost less than buying a new one. We also offer pick up and delivery. If you would like to make an appointment, or inquire about any other services we provide give us a call 650-1933.
Dryer Vent Cleaning
Over time the lint in your dryer vent builds up and restricts the amount of air flow. The reduction in air flow can become a very dangerous fire hazard if not properly repaired. At CleanTech we offer dryer vent cleaning. This eliminates the build up of lint throughout the entire dryer vent improving air flow. Not only does this reduce the fire hazard but it will also improve the efficiency of your dryer thus reducing energy costs and costly repairs or replacement. Depending on the amount of use a dryer vent could require cleaning every 6 - 12 months. Call us for an appointment or for any other services we provide 650-1933.
Full time as needed(Hours worked during the day could vary and the team member may be required to work on the weekends if needed) Self-Motivated with the Ability to work in a team environment to accomplish jobs. Team member must pass a background check, drug test, have a good driving record. Will be required to provide your own steel toe shoes; all other PPE will be provided. Pay rate $9.50. Excellent communication skills to relay information to other team members and team leaders as well as customers. The ability to follow specific instructions required for the job. A desire to learn and continually improve. Willing to serve our customers and other team members professionally. Training will be provided. Job Description: Janitorial (Job will be in the Emery County Areas). Send resumes to
Tile and Grout Cleaning
Over time your tile and grout will be susceptible to dirt, mildew and other contaminants that a normal sweeping and mopping system can't effectively remove. Using a high pressure truck mount system we can effectively remove ground in grease, oils, soap scum and hard water from the pores of your floors, showers and counter tops making them look like new. If your are in need of applying more sealer we can help you protect your tile and grout by applying a protective sealer.If you are interested in tile and grout cleaning, or any others services we provide call us at (435) 650-1933.
Have you ever looked at your blinds and thought I’m just going to clean these in the tub or shower? They probably didn’t clean up as well as you thought. We have a better and easier cleaning solution. We use ultrasonic blind cleaning. Ultrasonic blind cleaning uses high frequency sound waves to clean your blinds. Ultrasonic cavitation can remove dirt, cigarette smoke residue, and it cleans all track mechanisms. We clean blinds made out of metal, plastic, faux wood, honeycomb, luminettes, silhouettes, and Venetian. We also offer pick up and delivery. If you are interested in blind cleaning, or any other services give us a call 650-1933.
We will be scheduling jobs in the Scofield area. If anyone is interested give us a call 650-1933.
Keeping your upholstery clean has many advantages. Here are a few for you to ponder. Your couch over time can collect dirt, mold spores, dead skin, and allergens that can be released into the air you breathe. Let’s face it we spend a significant amount of time on our furniture. Sometimes it’s even our pets favorite spot in the house. Because of this our furniture can collect body oil, grease, and even pet dander. Appearances are important, right? Furniture is like the art piece of the house. Keeping it looking clean and smelling fresh is more appealing to your visitors. If you are interested in helping improve your indoor air, health, longevity of your upholstery, and the overall appearance, give us a call! We will also help with any other questions or services that you need. 650-1933
Full time as needed(Hours worked during the day could vary and the team member may be required to work on the weekends if needed) Self-Motivated with the Ability to work in a team environment to accomplish jobs. Team member must pass a background check, drug test, have a good driving record. Will be required to provide your own steel toe shoes; all other PPE will be provided. Pay rate $9.50. Excellent communication skills to relay information to other team members and team leaders as well as customers. The ability to follow specific instructions required for the job. A desire to learn and continually improve. Willing to serve our customers and other team members professionally. Training will be provided. Job Description: Janitorial (Job will be in the Carbon & Emery County Areas). Send resumes to
A picture is worth a thousand words! Check out our before and after pictures from our recent carpet cleaning! If you would like your carpets cleaned, or for any other services we provide call us at 650-1933.
Full time as needed(Hours worked during the day could vary and the team member may be required to work on the weekends if needed) Self-Motivated with the Ability to work in a team environment to accomplish jobs. Team member must pass a background check, drug test, have a good driving record. Will be required to provide your own steel toe shoes; all other PPE will be provided. Pay rate $9.50. Excellent communication skills to relay information to other team members and team leaders as well as customers. The ability to follow specific instructions required for the job. A desire to learn and continually improve. Willing to serve our customers and other team members professionally. Training will be provided. Job Description: Janitorial (Job will be in the Carbon & Emery County Areas). Send resumes to [Email hidden]
Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning
Using microscopic bubbles ultrasonic blind cleaning technology gently removes soil, debris and discoloration. This technology also helps to reduce allergens, eliminates smoke build-up and improves the look and feel of your home. Not only will it clean your slats but it will remove dust build up on your cords making them brighter. Give us a call and we can come to your home and pick up your blinds, clean them and then re-install them. We are here to serve you and make your cleaning projects easier. 650-1933
Is that spring cleaning itch starting to come to mind? You may even want to rearrange your furniture for a change of appearance? Speaking of appearance, “how does your upholstery look?” Has the winter television binge watching left your upholstery soiled from where you sat? Don’t forget what you can’t see such as mold spores, dead skin, allergens, dust mites, and many other contaminants. If you are interested in helping improve your indoor air, your health, the longevity, and overall appearance of your upholstery, give us a call! We will also help with any other questions or services that you need. 650-1933
Full time as needed(Hours could vary and the team member may be required to work on the weekends if needed) Self-Motivated with the Ability to work in a team environment to accomplish jobs. Team member must pass a background check, drug test, have a good driving record. Will be required to provide your own steel toe shoes; all other PPE will be provided. Pay rate $9.50-$12.50. Excellent communication skills to relay information to other team members and team leaders as well as customers. The ability to follow specific instructions required for the job. A desire to learn and continually improve. Willing to serve our customers and other team members professionally. Training will be provided. Job Description: Janitorial (Job will be in the Carbon & Emery County Areas). Send resumes to [Email hidden]
It's that time of year to think about preparing to turn your air conditioner on. Have you ever wondered why it's so important to keep your air ducts clean? Your home air system can collect multiple contaminants such as bacteria, mold, dust particles and allergens. At CleanTech we utilize two methods for cleaning your air ducts: 1) Contact Cleaning and 2) Negative Air. Each method is very effective at removing contaminants but by having these two cleaning methods available we are able to use the method that would be the most effective for your air system. A clean air system can offer many benefits among which are:
*A Reduction in the Amount of Allergens, Bacteria and Dust Mites in Your Environment making Your Home Healthier
*A More Efficient HVAC System that will Decrease Energy Costs, Repairs and Prolong the Life of Your HVAC System
Give us a call and we can help make your home a healthier place to live! 650-1933