If you are worried that you or someone you know may be overusing alcohol, check out these warning signs to understand the differences between casual drinking and alcohol use disorder.
6 Signs of Alcohol Use Disorder | Canyon Vista Recovery Center
Canyon Vista Recovery Center offers effective residential treatment for people with drug and alcohol addiction. Our beautiful, homelike campus is located in Mesa, Arizona.
Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Services | Canyon Vista Recovery
Reading these self-help books will not magically make you sober. They cannot cure your addiction. But they can help you understand your substance use disorder and the issues surrounding it.
5 Addiction Self-Help Books | Canyon Vista Recovery Center
Although 12-Step programs do not require members to have a sponsor, statistics show that those with sponsors have a higher rate of success.
Tips for Choosing a Sponsor | Canyon Vista Recovery Center
Podcasts are an excellent resource for many people in recovery from a drug or alcohol addiction. Usually posted on a weekly or monthly basis, these online radio-like chats can be accessed from home, while on the way to work, or anywhere and anyplace you have time to listen.
And, they're always there when you need them.
Five Recovery-Related Podcasts | Canyon Vista Recovery Center
Addiction to drugs or alcohol is a chronic, debilitating brain disease that affects millions of people in the United States. While every person struggling with a substance use disorder is unique, experts have identified five stages of recovery common to most people who want to regain their sobriety.
The Five Stages of Recovery | Canyon Vista Recovery Center
When a loved one is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, motivating them to get the help they need can be very challenging. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the decision to help a loved one go to a treatment center could save their life.
Motivating Your Loved One to Enter Rehab | Canyon Vista
Sometimes it’s easy to forget how far you’ve come. Take pride in your progress. Sticking with your recovery program, implementing and following new strategies, and relying on your support system are things you can celebrate with heartfelt gratitude.
Thanksgiving: A Time for Gratitude in Recovery | Canyon Vista
Regardless of your current understanding of or experience with addiction, watching a documentary on the subject may inspire you to seek treatment for yourself or help someone who is struggling with addiction. We’ve listed below six films we think you'll find inspiring.
Six Inspirational Documentaries for Recovery | Canyon Vista
The holiday season can be filled with happiness and excitement, but it can also be filled with stress. For someone in addiction recovery, the holidays can be especially challenging, full of physical and emotional triggers that may lead to relapse.
Surviving the Holiday Season in Recovery | Canyon Vista
Everyone who is in addiction recovery knows that they will face relapse triggers: situations, events, places, people, smells, etc. that make them want to use again. A great tool to help you manage those triggers is meditation. Practiced consistently, it can benefit you on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Types of Meditation for Recovery | Canyon Vista Recovery Center
Explaining addiction to children, whether your own addiction or that of a loved one, can be challenging. You want them to understand the disease, to know that it’s not their fault, and to feel safe.
We’ve provided some tips and resources you can use for age-appropriate conversations with children.
Explaining Addiction to Children | Canyon Vista Recovery Center
Dangerously high blood pressure, increased heart rate, chest pain, seizures, psychotic thoughts, and delirium are the most dangerous symptoms of GHB withdrawal.
GHB: Addiction, Withdrawal, and Treatment | Canyon Vista