Building Bridges at Congregation Mount Sinai provides a safe and caring preschool environment that stimulates the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of children. A blend of academic skills, personal knowledge, and social awareness enables children to learn to the fullest of their abilities, preparing them for further education and lifelong learning. Small by intent and design, Building Bridges at Congregation Mount Sinai's size is a great strength as it promotes openness, accessibility, and collaboration.Our curriculum is nonsectarian, and we recognize and celebrate the diversity of faiths and beliefs of our families. While religious education is not a part of our curriculum, for those who wish to do so, participation in Congregation Mount Sinai's worship, social and cultural events is welcomed. We feel that being a part of the community is very important. We encourage parent participation during our visit days, special celebrations and fundraising events and believe our program is strengthened by this involvement.