A tip for learning science! Wonder out loud what kind of bird is in that tree or why the light is bouncing off the water, and then take the time to learn about it. #BuildingBlocksPreschool #Preschool #ChildDevelopment
A willingness to share a snack or share a toy can go a long way to helping kids make and keep friends. #BuildingBlocksPreschool #Preschool #ChildDevelopment
Good social skills allow kids to enjoy better peer relationships. #BuildingBlocksPreschool #Preschool #ChildDevelopment
Listening isn’t just about staying quiet—it means really absorbing what someone else is saying. Listening is a critical component of healthy communication. #BuildingBlocksPreschool #Preschool #ChildDevelopment
Good cooperation skills are essential for successfully getting along within a community. Your child will need to cooperate with classmates on the playground as well as in the classroom. #BuildingBlocksPreschool #Preschool #ChildDevelopment
Good social skills can also help kids have a brighter future. Learning social skills starts in preschool! #BuildingBlocksPreschool #Preschool #ChildDevelopment