Dividing your assets in a divorce settlement is tough, and there's no way to split a co-owned house in two. Depending on your situation, having one party remain in the home or selling it outright may be best. http://bit.ly/32XGBEh
Real Estate Mistakes You Don't Want to Make in a Divorce
When do you need your estate plan to "go to work" for you? While you may think the right answer is "after I die," the actual answer is "if I lose the ability to manage my own affairs." https://bit.ly/2ExpwLk
You Have an Estate Plan. Will It Work?
Ending a marriage can be difficult, but don't let that deter you from working with your ex to help ensure your children are taken care of financially. https://bit.ly/34emc0H
The Finances of Joint Custody Agreements: 10 Things You Must Know | Kiplinger
No one likes to contemplate their mortality but making basic preparations with your finances can save your loved ones from financial stress while grieving your loss. Make sure to use beneficiary and POD designations whenever possible and have a will drawn up by an attorney to outline your final wishes. https://bit.ly/34eg7RV
What Happens To Bank Accounts After Death? | Bankrate
There is significant complexity with the laws surrounding special needs trusts, so having an attorney with experience in the area is key. https://bit.ly/2HbZ2jB
Making Trusts for Special Needs Children
Just because you're divorcing doesn't mean that your former spouse can't still hurt your credit. Fortunately, it is possible to rebuild your credit score after a divorce causes a blow. #Divorce http://bit.ly/2Miv0KW
What You Need to Know About Divorce and Credit
There isn't always an easy solution to dividing your 401(k) assets in a divorce, but you can make the process a little less painful by understanding what your 401(k) plan allows and what your state requires. https://bit.ly/3kcjM9m
Protecting Your 401(k) in a Divorce | The Motley Fool
Going to court to fight for child custody is an emotional time, and many parents make mistakes simply because they're uncertain about what to do. Here are some common child custody mistakes parents make, along with tips on how to avoid them. #FamilyLaw https://bit.ly/37mr9HS
5 Child Custody Mistakes Single Parents Make
No one likes to think about dying or about someone else raising their children. But a will can guide your loved ones, head off family feuds and potentially save your family thousands of dollars. http://bit.ly/2OrUEi5
Writing a Will? How to Stop Stalling and Get It Done - NerdWallet
Maintaining financial stability is crucial to living the life you want after the divorce. Arming yourself with a well-informed plan for each stage of the divorce may ease your transition to single life and help protect your financial future. https://bit.ly/3lP9Gfg
Gray Divorce: Amicable Terms for Your Finances | Kiplinger
Estate planning isn’t just for the wealthy and aging. It also includes provisions for while you’re still alive, and everyone can benefit from having a plan in place if they’re no longer able to care for themselves or make important decisions. http://bit.ly/2qv8cPB
3 Estate Planning Documents Every College Student Needs
Knowing how debt works after death and being prepared with clear instructions for inheritors is one of the best ways to ensure that all your hard work pays off. https://on.mktw.net/2W2p63Y
What happens to your debt when you die
Developing a plan for paying for college as part of your divorce is imperative to ensuring that your children have the educational opportunities that they deserve. https://bit.ly/2JIkU7g
Divorce: Who Pays for Education and How to Afford It | Kiplinger
Your home loan could continue to be your legal responsibility, even after a divorce. Because of the huge risks of remaining on a mortgage loan, you'll likely want to take action to protect yourself. https://bit.ly/35gvFGb
Getting Divorced? Here's What Happens to Your Mortgage
There comes a moment in many relationships where the partnership is no longer viable, and where separation or divorce is the unavoidable next step. And while divorcing or going separate ways is rarely easy, couples dissolving their households during Covid-19 are facing new woes. https://cnn.it/2TnyD5b
Breaking up in Covid-19 times has new woes
Trusts are an essential part of many estate plans. Here are the key terms and concepts of the most widely-used types of trusts. https://bit.ly/2J1Rh0o
Here’s What You Need To Know About The Most-Popular Estate Planning Trusts
Finance experts say the opportunity to rethink priorities and start fresh after a divorce can be a positive. https://bit.ly/2HzKLNL
7 Little-Known Financial Benefits of Divorce
Without proper estate planning documentation, a person’s wishes for their assets may not be followed. Beyond a will, there are documents in place that can assist in describing how their wishes are conducted, and types of accounts that can hold significant assets. https://on.mktw.net/3kIZHHS
How to plan your estate during a pandemic
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Planning for all these different types of relationships requires specific goal-setting and deliberate implementation of your financial and estate plans to make sure your intentions are carried out. https://bit.ly/3asg0Ft
Planning for a Non-Traditional Family (Which Is Probably Yours) | Kiplinger
No matter how much or how little you have, estate planning determines the future of your belongings, your money, and your family after you die. It can also ensure you have a say in who makes decisions about your health and finances while you're still alive. https://bit.ly/2Yp4Hs0
What is estate planning? A strategy to safeguard your family and your finances, and ensure your plans for them get carried out as you wish
Gray divorce issues include weaving through the complications of splitting pensions, 401(k)s and more before the process is complete. https://bit.ly/2NGdaVt
Considering Divorce? Beware of Retirement Account Breakups | Kiplinger
Tax year 2020 hasn’t brought any major changes to tax law for divorced parents, but things changed significantly with the implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2018. Some of the most important changes were in regards to how divorced and separated parents can claim dependents. https://yhoo.it/3clwQbg
Now That You’re Divorced, Who Claims Your Child on Taxes?
If you're divorced, there's a chance you may be entitled to more Social Security benefits than you think. #Divorce http://bit.ly/2OGJJQX
Divorced? You Could Be Owed Extra Social Security Benefits | The Motley Fool
Planning for death is like any other transition of life, except this is one we can make easier for our loved ones. https://on.mktw.net/316xm5E
Avoid these 3 estate-planning mistakes and make probate cheaper and easier for your loved ones