Auburn Urogynecology and Women’s Health

(on education)
Doctors in Auburn, CA
Health and Medical


8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM


11795 Education St.
Auburn, CA


Located in the heart of beautiful Placer County, Auburn Urogynecology is a premier health care practice addressing the gynecological and female urogynecological health needs of women of all ages. Women throughout the Sierra Foothills community trust Auburn Urogynecology for their gynecological care from the childbearing years well into postmenopause.
Auburn Urogynecology offers the most innovative and effective treatments and therapies for the health concerns many women face today. From routine care to complex conditions and procedures, James S. Dunn, Jr. MD, and the staff at Auburn Urogynecology treat every patient like family.
When symptoms suggest something more is going on, Dr. Dunn and his staff diagnose and treat endometriosis, fibroids, and other painful conditions. Patients suffering from bladder pain, infections, prolapse, or control issues find relief at Auburn Urogynecology. Auburn Urogynecology offers surgical procedures to relieve symptoms related to stress incontinence, a common condition that holds many women back from doing the things they love.
Assisted by his trusted team, Dr. Dunn also repairs muscle tears and prolapses involving the tissues that support the pelvic floor. These procedures include transvaginal sling, hernia repairs, and fistula repairs. Many can be done laparoscopically for reduced pain and downtime.
Patients often comment on the caring staff and personal attention at Auburn Urogynecology. They feel confident knowing they have their provider’s undivided attention, time to ask questions, and the knowledge to make informed decisions about their own health and wellness.
Auburn Urogynecology is accepting new patients. Call or contact the practice online to learn why so many women trust Dr. Dunn and his team for their gynecological and female urogynecological care.


  • MonaLisa Touch
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibroids
  • Hysterectomy
  • Incontinence
  • Menopause
  • Chronic UTI & Bladder Pain
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse


Sutter Imaging Roseville II is providing free digital screening mammograms to underinsured women in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. When: Saturday, October 17th Where: Sutter Imaging Roseville 2 Medical Plaza, Suite 105, Roseville CA Please call: 916-865-1434
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/how-to-establish-a-fitness-routine-you-can-stick-to/1tdaLmWODuDuci9naaX8ir?iqs=9z2zntimsmuf15cnmrcrbrcm72aot8fig8jhkssotio&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_medium=email&utm_source=iPost&utm_campaign=All%20Specialties%209%2F29%2F2020%20Evening%20Alert&c=All%20Specialties%209%2F29%2F2020%20Evening%20Alert&%3Fshow_order=1 MDLINX.COM How to establish a fitness routine you can stick to | MDLinx
#vaccinate https://www.patientcareonline.com/view/3-influenza-season-imperatives-vaccinate-vaccinate-vaccinate?utm_source=sfmc%E2%80%8B&utm_medium=email%E2%80%8B&utm_campaign=09262020_UNSPONSORED_PCO_eNL%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B&eKey=amFtZXlkdW5uQGFvbC5jb20= PATIENTCAREONLINE.COM 3 Influenza Season Imperatives: Vaccinate, Vaccinate, Vaccinate | Patient Care Online
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/how-much-caffeine-is-too-much/5zHfMI3sXsBYEATgYo1iMr?ipost_environment=m3usainc&iqs=9z2z1j2540rft1bvqrl2miqfgkvdfmnq95ungst7kvg&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=All%20Specialties%209%2F26%2F2020%20Morning%20Alert&utm_source=iPost&%3Fshow_order=1 MDLINX.COM How much caffeine is too much? | MDLinx
https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-risks-of-rushing-a-covid-19-vaccine/?utm_campaign=11849466_USA%20I28273%20Sept%202020%20Pulse%20HCP_25_09_2020&utm_medium=email&utm_source=M3%20%28EU%29%20Ltd.%20t%2Fa%20M3%20Global%20Research%20Ltd&dm_i=195C,71Z3U,JOLCC9,SH4M7,1 SCIENTIFICAMERICAN.COM The Risks of Rushing a COVID-19 Vaccine
MDLINX.COM When is HIIT the best exercise fit? | MDLinx
Napping is just happy hour for lazy people, right? Maybe not. Turns out that a quick midday snooze might be the most productive way to spend part of your afternoon. https://www.mdlinx.com/article/the-afternoon-activity-that-boosts-energy/uxbVSGSaoxc27OcIxZE9R?ipost_environment=m3usainc&iqs=9z2zvhnv931uftq40eqnjikgafd9efu07e1bn31v9io&utm_campaign=All%20Specialties%2010%2F6%2F2020%20Evening%20Alert&utm_medium=email&utm_source=iPost&%3Fshow_order=1 MDLINX.COM The afternoon 'activity' that boosts energy | MDLinx
Gut health may help indicate a person’s risk for serious cardiovascular events, like a heart attack or stroke, according to a recent study. The study suggests that the gut microbiomes that reduce obesity risk also reduce the risk of artery hardening. Probiotics can lower cholesterol and C-protein levels, which are linked to heart disease. https://wellnessclues.com/the-heart-benefits-of-a-healthy-gut/ WELLNESSCLUES.COM The Heart Benefits of a Healthy Gut [Video] - Wellness Clues
The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres recently called the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic a "dangerous epidemic of misinformation" that has left millions of people scared and going online seeking advice on proper protection methods. Below, are 9 statements and answers from the WHO's list that you can use to help patients decipher COVID-19 facts from fiction. https://www.patientcareonline.com/view/debunking-covid-19-myths?utm_source=sfmc%E2%80%8B&utm_medium=email%E2%80%8B&utm_campaign=10022020_UNSPONSORED_PCO_eNL%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B&eKey=amFtZXlkdW5uQGFvbC5jb20= PATIENTCAREONLINE.COM Debunking COVID-19 Myths | Patient Care Online
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we would like to draw attention not just to the risks, symptoms, and treatments of this terrible disease—but also to prevention. 2 classes of drugs normally prescribed following breast cancer treatment that can also help prevent cancer in some women not yet affected by this disease. Lifestyle factors, such as limiting alcohol, not smoking, exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight, can also play a key role in preventing breast cancer.
https://theoutdoorsmag.com/survival-skills-that-everyone-should-know/?utm_source=ses&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2020-10-11_survival-skills_dx577jcy5ea13&utm_term=deimeiRohb5ahS THEOUTDOORSMAG.COM Survival Skills That Everyone Should Know
Being a senior does not mean you need to be left out of the tech-centric world of the 21st century. There are tech gadgets designed specifically for seniors or those that can be employed by seniors to make their life just a little bit easier. https://forseniorsmag.com/8-gadgets-for-seniors-living-alone/?utm_source=bdat&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=1022_Gadgets_for_Seniors_Living_Alone&utm_content=av705yw3ad066 FORSENIORSMAG.COM 8 Gadgets for Seniors Living Alone
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With all the modern conveniences that we are enjoying right now, does anybody still know how to live without gadgets, gear, and special equipment? https://theoutdoorsmag.com/survival-skills-that-everyone-should-know/?utm_source=ses&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2020-10-11_survival-skills_ty8037x10g16d&utm_term=deimeiRohb5ahS THEOUTDOORSMAG.COM Survival Skills That Everyone Should Know
Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a great weekend! Q: How does the urologist’s receptionist answer the phone? A: “Urology office – can you hold?”
Maintaining the delicate balance of hormones is vital to health. Hormones interact with each other and with other systems (such as the immune system) in ways that significantly impact how the body functions. While this complexity may make the topic seem intimidating to discuss, it’s important to talk to your practitioner if you suspect you’re experiencing a hormonal imbalance.
Adults should start screening for colorectal cancer routinely at age 45: The New York Times (10/27, Rabin) reports, “Adults should start screening for colorectal cancer routinely at the age of 45, instead of waiting until 50,” the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) “recommended on Tuesday, in a move that reflected the sharp rise in the number of colon and rectal cancers in young adults.”
Vaginal dilators are an effective medical treatment for women experiencing pelvic pain and pain during intercourse and have demonstrated clinical success for over 75 years. https://www.contemporaryobgyn.net/view/vaginal-dilators-a-guide-for-health-care-professionals?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=11112020_HOL-20-COD0216_HOL-20-COP0108_COG_eNL_US_Only&eKey=amFtZXlkdW5uQGFvbC5jb20= CONTEMPORARYOBGYN.NET Vaginal Dilators: A guide for health care professionals
Ob/gyns have made decades of progress toward eliminating cervical cancer — the introduction of the Pap test and later cotesting using a Pap test and human papilloma virus test together have been essential to that achievement.
The clear, unambiguous, and compelling lesson from the hydroxychloroquine story for the medical community and the public is that science and politics do not mix. Science, by definition, requires diligence and an honest assessment of findings; politics not so much. For other potential therapies or interventions for COVID-19 (or any other diseases), this should not happen again. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2772921?guestAccessKey=d80e3428-194e-4759-accd-5d5750b73f1e&utm_source=silverchair&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=article_alert-jama&utm_content=olf&utm_term=110920 JAMANETWORK.COM Misguided Use of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19
Today, Pfizer announced early analysis of its coronavirus vaccine candidate indicated the vaccine was more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19. https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-announce-vaccine-candidate-against PFIZER.COM Pfizer and BioNTech Announce Vaccine Candidate Against COVID-19 Achieved Success in First Interim Analysis from Phase 3 Study | Pfizer
https://wellnesscaptain.com/what-is-the-best-fish-to-eat/#u=UnRkM0VwYktOMERaMDZUWFdOdWNxNHYxZk1rT1BKSGZwUDB6dnQzZmpRST0=&clientId=837955859&utm_campaign=644&utm_medium=altele&utm_source=705000&utm_content=103329355 WELLNESSCAPTAIN.COM What Is the Best Fish to Eat? Here's Our Top 5
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/health-benefits-of-these-popular-thanksgiving-foods/5yvIhzvmOQYGUDf0eGI365?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+SP+11%2F26%2F2020+Morning+Alert&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2zs8rvhf8u1a7241t15t6vhua0s1ijj20lua7uhj8 MDLINX.COM Health benefits of these popular Thanksgiving foods | MDLinx
It’s better to give than receive. Seriously, it’s a scientifically validated fact. If you want to buy happiness, spend on others. In a year when many are struggling — physically, emotionally, and financially — due to the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors can do the most good and feel good in the process by giving to charities. https://www.mdlinx.com/physiciansense/evidence-based-ways-to-buy-happiness-for-the-holidays/?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+11%2F23%2F2020+Evening+Alert&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2zdb590gb6r8cps9c00k06olnn6v4no9o796urk40 MDLINX.COM Evidence-Based Ways to Buy Happiness for the Holidays | Physician Sense
Should I get a flu shot this year? Q: I'm debating whether I need to get a flu shot this year. Do you think it's worthwhile? A: The answer to this question is an emphatic YES!It's more important than ever to get a flu shot this year for a number of reasons. First, it will reduce your likelihood of contracting, being hospitalized for, or dying from influenza, which should be reason enough to roll up your sleeve.
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/the-mediterranean-diet-reduces-the-risk-of-having-another-heart-attack/7IuKxImIZwLNPZY2WtMaHe?show_order=3&utm_campaign=All+SP+12%2F06%2F2020+Morning+Alert&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2z27dtb8uegtuqjvai5v5d2popaa51b5t4reobk18 MDLINX.COM The Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of having another heart attack | MDLinx
https://stayhealthymag.com/6-significant-signs-you-are-in-good-shape/ STAYHEALTHYMAG.COM 6 Significant Signs You Are In Good Shape
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/4-strategies-for-brain-health/6MdmaMjXMlhi3gmiRRrndh?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+12%2F04%2F2020+Evening+Alert&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2zg5hfqnldiqfuhdi8if5jdgchceitu4krgskdpmg MDLINX.COM 4 strategies for brain health | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/the-one-thing-that-can-help-you-live-longer-and-healthier/4CvRJep970IMofehpL8aB6?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+12%2F03%2F2020+Evening+Alert&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2z4tnh9q9k97ksvrofa7eh38f6tb7f3mbel300gro MDLINX.COM The one thing that can help you live longer and healthier | MDLinx
A strong core: The simple, flexible, and portable workout Strengthening your core muscles doesn't have to be overwhelming. You can do these simple exercises anywhere and adapt them as you gain fitness. The office workout: see below!
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/diet-modifications-including-more-wine-and-cheese-may-help-reduce-cognitive-decline/7MmBBoJJq2eszAin9obJkJ?show_order=2&utm_campaign=All+SP+12%2F11%2F2020+Morning+Alert&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&iqs=9z2z9kbi5qalsq4be3argi5h2206uu28so8n6a0i2qo MDLINX.COM Diet modifications - including more wine and cheese - may help reduce cognitive decline | MDLinx
The ever-use of an intrauterine device (IUD) reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by an average of 30%, according to a rigorous meta-analysis in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. https://www.contemporaryobgyn.net/view/iud-and-risk-of-ovarian-cancer?utm_source=sfmc%E2%80%8B&utm_medium=email%E2%80%8B&utm_campaign=12092020_HOL-20-COD0216HCPPapHPVPAPH_COG_eNL_US_Only%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B&eKey=amFtZXlkdW5uQGFvbC5jb20= CONTEMPORARYOBGYN.NET IUD and risk of ovarian cancer
#PurpleThursday #GeauxTigers
https://aginghealthytoday.com/2020/06/03/8-spices-with-health-benefits/?utm_source=bl&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=1217-8-Spices-with-Health-Benefits-AHT-C&utm_content=pv502omxsxaf1 AGINGHEALTHYTODAY.COM 8 Spices with Health Benefits | Aging Healthy Today
Enjoy these holiday-themed jokes! What do Santa’s little helpers learn at school? The elf-abet! What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney? Claus-trophobia!
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/covid-immunity-lasts-at-least-eight-months-new-data-reveals/Jk6tKjIxLFwcklyvwC5Yt?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+SP+12%2F24%2F2020+Morning+Alert&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_medium=email&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2z9e603psochjbbiksatvhikv4m0unu912grffqro MDLINX.COM COVID immunity lasts at least eight months, new data reveals | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/here-are-9-things-to-say-to-someone-hesitant-to-get-a-covid-19-vaccination/58rCXkCDuWBeV7MAcXAzOy?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+SP+12%2F22%2F2020+Morning+Alert&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2zo9k61a03q0rq8crp75h02u860hd7404915p3ibg MDLINX.COM | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/5-sports-scientifically-proven-to-help-you-live-longer/Uby97i7J2o4tB63pEy0zB?utm_campaign=Day3_Evening_ALL&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&iqs=9z2zaut5mu5fh465ma8rqlm0bfom7n40qsf3o7mo698 MDLINX.COM 5 sports scientifically proven to help you live longer | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/the-common-drug-that-reduces-cancer-risk-and-no-it-s-not-aspirin/AksPqkZHVrBMXT7w2Rl5D?utm_campaign=Day2_Morning_ALL&utm_medium=email&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&iqs=9z2zhu13hdc08g13ev5bsga8vl81oknlhb0i58u5s0o MDLINX.COM The common drug that reduces cancer risk (and no, it’s not aspirin) | MDLinx
Walking is the simplest and easiest way to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. When experts advise to make physical activity a part of your life, they aren’t asking you to start working out for hours every day. A 30-minute walk every day can make so much difference in your life that you’ll be stunned!
https://www.mdlinx.com/redirect.cfm/?to_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mdlinx.com%2Farticle%2F6-tips-for-sticking-to-your-new-years-resolutions%2F5OEDWjAuFOP6upi0u6nm0G%3Fshow_order%3D1%26utm_campaign%3DAll%2B12%252F26%252F2020%2BEvening%2BAlert%2B-snippet%2Bheader%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3DiPost%26ipost_environment%3Dm3usainc%26iqs%3D9z2zab4k80v0flsb32jrdnq5e4gscr4tv65j65akcf0 MDLINX.COM 6 tips for sticking to your New Year's resolutions | MDLinx
American Cancer Society Recommends Cervical Cancer Screening Start at 25, not 21 January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women worldwide. In 2018, about 570,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer, and about 311,000 women died from the disease, according to the WHO. However, the disease is highly preventable with vaccination and appropriate screening.
https://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=A6L0n&m=J0N1TwaSpXzz4a&b=MXpAaxfWgmBu4zYomVcyAQ KEVINMD.COM In case you need a reason to get the COVID vaccine, here are 12
Happy New Year’s!! 2020 was a physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting year in every way, and that exhaustion can take a particularly heavy toll on our mental health. And while there is hope on the horizon thanks to the COVID-19 vaccines, we're not out of the woods just yet. So why not prioritize your mental health in 2021 by making that your New Year's resolution? Remember: it's just as important to keep caring for yourself while caring for others!
https://www.mdlinx.com/redirect.cfm/?to_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mdlinx.com%2Fnews%2Fthis-is-when-you-should-work-out-each-day-to-help-keep-weight-off-study-suggests%2F2dckrskzSQlr0qmtzbioRW%3Fshow_order%3D1%26utm_campaign%3DAll%2BSP%2B1%252F11%252F2021%2BMorning%2BAlert%26ipost_environment%3Dm3usainc%26utm_source%3DiPost%26utm_medium%3Demail%26iqs%3D9z2zu7m9k2hcj4bhgutr2b9uptk6b1psn1jnd6se79g MDLINX.COM This is when you should work out each day to help keep weight off, study suggests | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/pfizer-study-suggests-vaccine-works-against-virus-variant/2YdboXGqtgY1mp1BjrOh6X?show_order=2&utm_campaign=All+1%2F8%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2zu0bunf8jue5bboqsc1o5a1lpd9tbu6bd3e1ihf8 MDLINX.COM Pfizer study suggests vaccine works against virus variant | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/the-medical-minute-how-the-body-responds-to-the-covid-19-vaccine/8PD0pDQ5WZ3ErSAekuVkq?show_order=2&utm_campaign=All+1%2F7%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2zk57gjp87tvbq2e9vcvpgo3743rnenqo4gbon3hg MDLINX.COM The medical minute: How the body responds to the COVID-19 vaccine | MDLinx
https://www.nejm.org/covid-vaccine?utm_source=wb-en&utm_medium=alert&utm_campaign=c19jan&utm_content=cta NEJM.ORG Covid-19 Vaccine Resource Center
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/5-foods-as-good-as-medicine/2MQznBdxrAhkpKtZfFdg9u?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+1%2F18%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2zvl9n7vbqf8s3tumtr72g9s1bvcfc6o86nj0s350 MDLINX.COM 5 foods as good as medicine | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/loss-of-smell-is-the-best-sign-of-covid-19/4ykiZdLg7fp0RH2GrlvNQ4?show_order=2&utm_campaign=All+1%2F20%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2zcta49dbqa1buf2nf23k7jbq3sduran7vm3mfkmg MDLINX.COM Loss of smell is the best sign of COVID-19 | MDLinx
The telltale signs of the coronavirus infection are dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath. However, this is not where the symptom list stops, there are more signs that have been associated with COVID-19. -Loss Of Taste Or Smell -Diarrhea And Vomiting -Covid Toes -Headaches, Confusion, Or Dizziness -Blood Clots -Myalgia And Intense Back Pain
https://www.nejm.org/covid-vaccine?utm_source=wb-en&utm_medium=alert&utm_campaign=c19jan&utm_content=cta NEJM.ORG Covid-19 Vaccine Resource Center
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/high-protein-alternatives-to-red-meat-for-improved-health/2cdJko9Xn2ZYj3Ytkd7MNP?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+1%2F28%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2za39479adnu6pg9tqliit3ba6fvn0n7et0b9kueg MDLINX.COM High-protein alternatives to red meat for improved health | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/moderna-says-covid-vaccine-effective-against-uk-s-africa-variants/mbFz4XPHLVYOOGm04JkWR?show_order=2&utm_campaign=All+1%2F25%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2zha4ht87iq38rbgmvk6oplp50ghsrro368atcu98 MDLINX.COM Moderna says COVID vaccine effective against UK, S. Africa variants | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/8-healthy-habits-to-start-in-2021/84d2mfEYehP1tR1GJM3Fz?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+SP+1%2F26%2F2021+Morning+Alert&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2z7ha28rqk6l4ebr8pub2us9s4a2cmdvjeeefdr6o MDLINX.COM 8 healthy habits to start in 2021 | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/5-foods-as-good-as-medicine/2MQznBdxrAhkpKtZfFdg9u?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+1%2F18%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2zvl9n7vbqf8s3tumtr72g9s1bvcfc6o86nj0s350 MDLINX.COM 5 foods as good as medicine | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/loss-of-smell-is-the-best-sign-of-covid-19/4ykiZdLg7fp0RH2GrlvNQ4?show_order=2&utm_campaign=All+1%2F20%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2zcta49dbqa1buf2nf23k7jbq3sduran7vm3mfkmg MDLINX.COM Loss of smell is the best sign of COVID-19 | MDLinx
https://click.email.contemporaryobgyn.net/?qs=e1d662b5ca66c62e51398a2c0c1f8fa4112b7a722313bf396a3729be7170f576d6ca1c5328fd3e91f48c1eddfcd1bfe6e6490062262f470f CONTEMPORARYOBGYN.NET Cannabis use may hinder conception efforts
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/high-protein-alternatives-to-red-meat-for-improved-health/2cdJko9Xn2ZYj3Ytkd7MNP?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+1%2F28%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2za39479adnu6pg9tqliit3ba6fvn0n7et0b9kueg MDLINX.COM High-protein alternatives to red meat for improved health | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/moderna-says-covid-vaccine-effective-against-uk-s-africa-variants/mbFz4XPHLVYOOGm04JkWR?show_order=2&utm_campaign=All+1%2F25%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2zha4ht87iq38rbgmvk6oplp50ghsrro368atcu98 MDLINX.COM Moderna says COVID vaccine effective against UK, S. Africa variants | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/8-healthy-habits-to-start-in-2021/84d2mfEYehP1tR1GJM3Fz?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+SP+1%2F26%2F2021+Morning+Alert&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2z7ha28rqk6l4ebr8pub2us9s4a2cmdvjeeefdr6o MDLINX.COM 8 healthy habits to start in 2021 | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/5-foods-as-good-as-medicine/2MQznBdxrAhkpKtZfFdg9u?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+1%2F18%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2zvl9n7vbqf8s3tumtr72g9s1bvcfc6o86nj0s350 MDLINX.COM 5 foods as good as medicine | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/loss-of-smell-is-the-best-sign-of-covid-19/4ykiZdLg7fp0RH2GrlvNQ4?show_order=2&utm_campaign=All+1%2F20%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2zcta49dbqa1buf2nf23k7jbq3sduran7vm3mfkmg MDLINX.COM Loss of smell is the best sign of COVID-19 | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/physiciansense/doctors-should-do-these-3-things-daily/?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+2%2F8%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&iqs=9z2zldku1f643a9hkbhulprrd4pnpu813neefo75i00 MDLINX.COM Doctors Should Do These 3 Things Daily | Physician Sense
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/drinking-green-tea-coffee-lowers-risk-of-death-for-stroke-and-heart-attack-survivors/1yE81bh7QFjjL8I4TGEq5T?show_order=3&utm_campaign=All+SP+2%2F5%2F2021+Morning+Alert&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2z45juodqhfojaa1ejkp2fila7u8sa82hc8u5j360 MDLINX.COM Drinking green tea, coffee lowers risk of death for stroke and heart attack survivors | MDLinx
Considered one of the healthiest on the planet, Pomegranates contain a variety of advantageous plant compounds that are unchallenged by other foods. Research has disclosed that there might be numerous benefits of the pomegranate for the human body, potentially reducing the risk of several diseases. The nutrient profile of the pomegranate is very remarkable; 7 grams of fiber, 30 percent of recommended daily intake of vitamin C, 3 grams of protein, 36 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, 12 percent of the recommended daily intake of potassium, 16 percent of the recommended daily intake of folate. The calories count comes in at 144 calories with 24 grams of sugar in one cup.
https://click.email.contemporaryobgyn.net/?qs=e1d662b5ca66c62e51398a2c0c1f8fa4112b7a722313bf396a3729be7170f576d6ca1c5328fd3e91f48c1eddfcd1bfe6e6490062262f470f CONTEMPORARYOBGYN.NET Cannabis use may hinder conception efforts
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/high-protein-alternatives-to-red-meat-for-improved-health/2cdJko9Xn2ZYj3Ytkd7MNP?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+1%2F28%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2za39479adnu6pg9tqliit3ba6fvn0n7et0b9kueg MDLINX.COM High-protein alternatives to red meat for improved health | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/moderna-says-covid-vaccine-effective-against-uk-s-africa-variants/mbFz4XPHLVYOOGm04JkWR?show_order=2&utm_campaign=All+1%2F25%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2zha4ht87iq38rbgmvk6oplp50ghsrro368atcu98 MDLINX.COM Moderna says COVID vaccine effective against UK, S. Africa variants | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/physiciansense/doctors-should-do-these-3-things-daily/?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+2%2F8%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&iqs=9z2zldku1f643a9hkbhulprrd4pnpu813neefo75i00 MDLINX.COM Doctors Should Do These 3 Things Daily | Physician Sense
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/drinking-green-tea-coffee-lowers-risk-of-death-for-stroke-and-heart-attack-survivors/1yE81bh7QFjjL8I4TGEq5T?show_order=3&utm_campaign=All+SP+2%2F5%2F2021+Morning+Alert&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2z45juodqhfojaa1ejkp2fila7u8sa82hc8u5j360 MDLINX.COM Drinking green tea, coffee lowers risk of death for stroke and heart attack survivors | MDLinx
Considered one of the healthiest on the planet, Pomegranates contain a variety of advantageous plant compounds that are unchallenged by other foods. Research has disclosed that there might be numerous benefits of the pomegranate for the human body, potentially reducing the risk of several diseases. The nutrient profile of the pomegranate is very remarkable; 7 grams of fiber, 30 percent of recommended daily intake of vitamin C, 3 grams of protein, 36 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, 12 percent of the recommended daily intake of potassium, 16 percent of the recommended daily intake of folate. The calories count comes in at 144 calories with 24 grams of sugar in one cup.
https://click.email.contemporaryobgyn.net/?qs=e1d662b5ca66c62e51398a2c0c1f8fa4112b7a722313bf396a3729be7170f576d6ca1c5328fd3e91f48c1eddfcd1bfe6e6490062262f470f CONTEMPORARYOBGYN.NET Cannabis use may hinder conception efforts
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/high-protein-alternatives-to-red-meat-for-improved-health/2cdJko9Xn2ZYj3Ytkd7MNP?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+1%2F28%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2za39479adnu6pg9tqliit3ba6fvn0n7et0b9kueg MDLINX.COM High-protein alternatives to red meat for improved health | MDLinx
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/moderna-says-covid-vaccine-effective-against-uk-s-africa-variants/mbFz4XPHLVYOOGm04JkWR?show_order=2&utm_campaign=All+1%2F25%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&iqs=9z2zha4ht87iq38rbgmvk6oplp50ghsrro368atcu98 MDLINX.COM Moderna says COVID vaccine effective against UK, S. Africa variants | MDLinx
Numerous studies have shown that strength training can play a role in slowing bone loss, and several show it can even build bone. This is tremendously useful to help offset age-related declines in bone mass. Activities that put stress on bones can nudge bone-forming cells into action. That stress comes from the tugging and pushing on bone that occur during strength training (as well as weight-bearing aerobic exercises like walking or running). The result is stronger, denser bones.
https://www.mdlinx.com/physiciansense/doctors-should-do-these-3-things-daily/?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+2%2F8%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&iqs=9z2zldku1f643a9hkbhulprrd4pnpu813neefo75i00 MDLINX.COM Doctors Should Do These 3 Things Daily | Physician Sense
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/drinking-green-tea-coffee-lowers-risk-of-death-for-stroke-and-heart-attack-survivors/1yE81bh7QFjjL8I4TGEq5T?show_order=3&utm_campaign=All+SP+2%2F5%2F2021+Morning+Alert&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2z45juodqhfojaa1ejkp2fila7u8sa82hc8u5j360 MDLINX.COM Drinking green tea, coffee lowers risk of death for stroke and heart attack survivors | MDLinx
Considered one of the healthiest on the planet, Pomegranates contain a variety of advantageous plant compounds that are unchallenged by other foods. Research has disclosed that there might be numerous benefits of the pomegranate for the human body, potentially reducing the risk of several diseases. The nutrient profile of the pomegranate is very remarkable; 7 grams of fiber, 30 percent of recommended daily intake of vitamin C, 3 grams of protein, 36 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, 12 percent of the recommended daily intake of potassium, 16 percent of the recommended daily intake of folate. The calories count comes in at 144 calories with 24 grams of sugar in one cup.
https://click.email.contemporaryobgyn.net/?qs=e1d662b5ca66c62e51398a2c0c1f8fa4112b7a722313bf396a3729be7170f576d6ca1c5328fd3e91f48c1eddfcd1bfe6e6490062262f470f CONTEMPORARYOBGYN.NET Cannabis use may hinder conception efforts
https://www.mdlinx.com/article/high-protein-alternatives-to-red-meat-for-improved-health/2cdJko9Xn2ZYj3Ytkd7MNP?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+1%2F28%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2za39479adnu6pg9tqliit3ba6fvn0n7et0b9kueg MDLINX.COM High-protein alternatives to red meat for improved health | MDLinx
Despite an increase in awareness over the past decades, only about half (56%) of women recognize that heart disease is their number 1 killer. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, killing 301,280 women in 2019—or about 1 in every 5 female deaths. https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/features/heartdisease/index.html?ACSTrackingID=USCDC_277-DM49748&ACSTrackingLabel=February%202021%20-%20Health%20Matters%20for%20Women%20&deliveryName=USCDC_277-DM49748 CDC.GOV Lower Your Risk for the Number 1 Killer of Women | Health Equity Features | CDC
Numerous studies have shown that strength training can play a role in slowing bone loss, and several show it can even build bone. This is tremendously useful to help offset age-related declines in bone mass. Activities that put stress on bones can nudge bone-forming cells into action. That stress comes from the tugging and pushing on bone that occur during strength training (as well as weight-bearing aerobic exercises like walking or running). The result is stronger, denser bones.
https://www.mdlinx.com/physiciansense/doctors-should-do-these-3-things-daily/?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+2%2F8%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&iqs=9z2zldku1f643a9hkbhulprrd4pnpu813neefo75i00 MDLINX.COM Doctors Should Do These 3 Things Daily | Physician Sense
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/drinking-green-tea-coffee-lowers-risk-of-death-for-stroke-and-heart-attack-survivors/1yE81bh7QFjjL8I4TGEq5T?show_order=3&utm_campaign=All+SP+2%2F5%2F2021+Morning+Alert&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2z45juodqhfojaa1ejkp2fila7u8sa82hc8u5j360 MDLINX.COM Drinking green tea, coffee lowers risk of death for stroke and heart attack survivors | MDLinx
Considered one of the healthiest on the planet, Pomegranates contain a variety of advantageous plant compounds that are unchallenged by other foods. Research has disclosed that there might be numerous benefits of the pomegranate for the human body, potentially reducing the risk of several diseases. The nutrient profile of the pomegranate is very remarkable; 7 grams of fiber, 30 percent of recommended daily intake of vitamin C, 3 grams of protein, 36 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, 12 percent of the recommended daily intake of potassium, 16 percent of the recommended daily intake of folate. The calories count comes in at 144 calories with 24 grams of sugar in one cup.
https://click.email.contemporaryobgyn.net/?qs=e1d662b5ca66c62e51398a2c0c1f8fa4112b7a722313bf396a3729be7170f576d6ca1c5328fd3e91f48c1eddfcd1bfe6e6490062262f470f CONTEMPORARYOBGYN.NET Cannabis use may hinder conception efforts
CAN I GET COVID-19 from the VACCINE?? This is a common myth not just with the coronavirus vaccine, but with other vaccines like the flu. Quite often you will hear someone say that they do not want the flu vaccine because it will give them the flu. However, this is NOT TRUE for the flu, neither is it true for the coronavirus. If persons are concerned about this, it can be noted that none of the vaccines that are being tested contain the coronavirus. Therefore, it is impossible to contract the virus from the vaccine.
Despite an increase in awareness over the past decades, only about half (56%) of women recognize that heart disease is their number 1 killer. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, killing 301,280 women in 2019—or about 1 in every 5 female deaths. https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/features/heartdisease/index.html?ACSTrackingID=USCDC_277-DM49748&ACSTrackingLabel=February%202021%20-%20Health%20Matters%20for%20Women%20&deliveryName=USCDC_277-DM49748 CDC.GOV Lower Your Risk for the Number 1 Killer of Women | Health Equity Features | CDC
Numerous studies have shown that strength training can play a role in slowing bone loss, and several show it can even build bone. This is tremendously useful to help offset age-related declines in bone mass. Activities that put stress on bones can nudge bone-forming cells into action. That stress comes from the tugging and pushing on bone that occur during strength training (as well as weight-bearing aerobic exercises like walking or running). The result is stronger, denser bones.
https://www.mdlinx.com/physiciansense/doctors-should-do-these-3-things-daily/?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+2%2F8%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&iqs=9z2zldku1f643a9hkbhulprrd4pnpu813neefo75i00 MDLINX.COM Doctors Should Do These 3 Things Daily | Physician Sense
https://www.mdlinx.com/news/drinking-green-tea-coffee-lowers-risk-of-death-for-stroke-and-heart-attack-survivors/1yE81bh7QFjjL8I4TGEq5T?show_order=3&utm_campaign=All+SP+2%2F5%2F2021+Morning+Alert&ipost_environment=m3usainc&utm_source=iPost&utm_medium=email&iqs=9z2z45juodqhfojaa1ejkp2fila7u8sa82hc8u5j360 MDLINX.COM Drinking green tea, coffee lowers risk of death for stroke and heart attack survivors | MDLinx
Considered one of the healthiest on the planet, Pomegranates contain a variety of advantageous plant compounds that are unchallenged by other foods. Research has disclosed that there might be numerous benefits of the pomegranate for the human body, potentially reducing the risk of several diseases. The nutrient profile of the pomegranate is very remarkable; 7 grams of fiber, 30 percent of recommended daily intake of vitamin C, 3 grams of protein, 36 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, 12 percent of the recommended daily intake of potassium, 16 percent of the recommended daily intake of folate. The calories count comes in at 144 calories with 24 grams of sugar in one cup.
Happy Women’s Day!
I thought we already knew this?? But let’s do refresher! A CDC study has once again proven that wearing masks slows the spread of Covid-19. The study showed that wearing masks was linked to fewer infections and Covid-19 deaths in counties across the U.S. It was released Friday.
CAN I GET COVID-19 from the VACCINE?? This is a common myth not just with the coronavirus vaccine, but with other vaccines like the flu. Quite often you will hear someone say that they do not want the flu vaccine because it will give them the flu. However, this is NOT TRUE for the flu, neither is it true for the coronavirus. If persons are concerned about this, it can be noted that none of the vaccines that are being tested contain the coronavirus. Therefore, it is impossible to contract the virus from the vaccine.
Despite an increase in awareness over the past decades, only about half (56%) of women recognize that heart disease is their number 1 killer. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, killing 301,280 women in 2019—or about 1 in every 5 female deaths. https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/features/heartdisease/index.html?ACSTrackingID=USCDC_277-DM49748&ACSTrackingLabel=February%202021%20-%20Health%20Matters%20for%20Women%20&deliveryName=USCDC_277-DM49748 CDC.GOV Lower Your Risk for the Number 1 Killer of Women | Health Equity Features | CDC
Numerous studies have shown that strength training can play a role in slowing bone loss, and several show it can even build bone. This is tremendously useful to help offset age-related declines in bone mass. Activities that put stress on bones can nudge bone-forming cells into action. That stress comes from the tugging and pushing on bone that occur during strength training (as well as weight-bearing aerobic exercises like walking or running). The result is stronger, denser bones.
https://www.mdlinx.com/physiciansense/doctors-should-do-these-3-things-daily/?show_order=1&utm_campaign=All+2%2F8%2F2021+Evening+Alert+-snippet+header&utm_medium=email&utm_source=iPost&ipost_environment=m3usainc&iqs=9z2zldku1f643a9hkbhulprrd4pnpu813neefo75i00 MDLINX.COM Doctors Should Do These 3 Things Daily | Physician Sense
https://www.contemporaryobgyn.net/view/how-sex-and-gender-disparities-affect-women-during-the-covid-19-pandemic?utm_source=sfmc%E2%80%8B&utm_medium=email%E2%80%8B&utm_campaign=031521_COG_WRS-21-COD0250_WRS_US_Only%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B&eKey=amFtZXlkdW5uQGFvbC5jb20= CONTEMPORARYOBGYN.NET How Sex and Gender Disparities Affect Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Happy Women’s Day!
I thought we already knew this?? But let’s do refresher! A CDC study has once again proven that wearing masks slows the spread of Covid-19. The study showed that wearing masks was linked to fewer infections and Covid-19 deaths in counties across the U.S. It was released Friday.
CAN I GET COVID-19 from the VACCINE?? This is a common myth not just with the coronavirus vaccine, but with other vaccines like the flu. Quite often you will hear someone say that they do not want the flu vaccine because it will give them the flu. However, this is NOT TRUE for the flu, neither is it true for the coronavirus. If persons are concerned about this, it can be noted that none of the vaccines that are being tested contain the coronavirus. Therefore, it is impossible to contract the virus from the vaccine.
Despite an increase in awareness over the past decades, only about half (56%) of women recognize that heart disease is their number 1 killer. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, killing 301,280 women in 2019—or about 1 in every 5 female deaths. https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/features/heartdisease/index.html?ACSTrackingID=USCDC_277-DM49748&ACSTrackingLabel=February%202021%20-%20Health%20Matters%20for%20Women%20&deliveryName=USCDC_277-DM49748 CDC.GOV Lower Your Risk for the Number 1 Killer of Women | Health Equity Features | CDC
Numerous studies have shown that strength training can play a role in slowing bone loss, and several show it can even build bone. This is tremendously useful to help offset age-related declines in bone mass. Activities that put stress on bones can nudge bone-forming cells into action. That stress comes from the tugging and pushing on bone that occur during strength training (as well as weight-bearing aerobic exercises like walking or running). The result is stronger, denser bones.
Nuts are very readily available and serve as one of the best options for snacking. They are filled with energy and many nutrients like vitamins, essential fats, fiber, and protein. Almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts are packed with energy and provide health benefits: lower cholesterol, maintain blood pressure, and decrease the risk of cancer.
https://www.contemporaryobgyn.net/view/how-sex-and-gender-disparities-affect-women-during-the-covid-19-pandemic?utm_source=sfmc%E2%80%8B&utm_medium=email%E2%80%8B&utm_campaign=031521_COG_WRS-21-COD0250_WRS_US_Only%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B&eKey=amFtZXlkdW5uQGFvbC5jb20= CONTEMPORARYOBGYN.NET How Sex and Gender Disparities Affect Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Happy Women’s Day!
I thought we already knew this?? But let’s do refresher! A CDC study has once again proven that wearing masks slows the spread of Covid-19. The study showed that wearing masks was linked to fewer infections and Covid-19 deaths in counties across the U.S. It was released Friday.
CAN I GET COVID-19 from the VACCINE?? This is a common myth not just with the coronavirus vaccine, but with other vaccines like the flu. Quite often you will hear someone say that they do not want the flu vaccine because it will give them the flu. However, this is NOT TRUE for the flu, neither is it true for the coronavirus. If persons are concerned about this, it can be noted that none of the vaccines that are being tested contain the coronavirus. Therefore, it is impossible to contract the virus from the vaccine.


Company name
Auburn Urogynecology and Women’s Health


  • What is the phone number for Auburn Urogynecology and Women’s Health in Auburn CA?
    You can reach them at: 530-459-8990. It’s best to call Auburn Urogynecology and Women’s Health during business hours.
  • What is the address for Auburn Urogynecology and Women’s Health on education in Auburn?
    Auburn Urogynecology and Women’s Health is located at this address: 11795 Education St. Auburn, CA 95602.
  • What are Auburn Urogynecology and Women’s Health(Auburn, CA) store hours?
    Auburn Urogynecology and Women’s Health store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.