I’m very proud to live and own a business in a city/county that appreciates and respects our law enforcement officers. Thank you for your service! On this county-wide day of prayer, we pray for your safety. 💙
Did you know that texting for five seconds while driving at 55 mph is equivalent to driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration? Learn more about safe driving here.
Be a Better Teen Passenger | The Allstate Blog
Fall is right around the corner! Here are some tips to help get your home ready for the cooler season. Call or Text us if you would like a Home or Auto quote! 601-707-9434.
Autumn Home Maintenance Checklist | Allstate
Can you believe it’s Labor Day? We sure can’t. Hope you have a blast celebrating this weekend with friends and family.
Hope everyone had a great week! 💙
Summer storms can bring hail to our area. Here's how to inspect your home for hail damage after a storm.
Spotting Hail Damage on Your Home | The Allstate Blog
KK, our office greeter, had a puppy Tuesday! Introducing our precious goldendoodle, Lulu! Even with all this excitement we are still working hard to make sure you are properly insured! Please call or text us for a quote at 601-707-9434. #areyouingoodhands
Learn why draining your home's water heater is a good idea and get step-by-step instructions on how to do it.
How to Maintain A Water Heater | Allstate
Our team voted today! Hope you did too! Please let us know if you have any questions about insurance! 601-707-9434
Please Like our Pages and Leave a Review! Happy February!
Here is a look at our recent Client Newsletter! If you haven't heard from your insurance agent lately, give us a call to go over your policies and see if we can help with your insurance needs! Call us at 601-707-9434.
Don’t get stuck out on the road this winter! Allstate Roadside provides protection to keep you safe. You’ll get fast, trackable and reliable towing, jump starts, tire repair and more. Call me and get started today!
Roadside Assistance - Emergency Roadside Service | Allstate
Expecting a tax refund this year? With TurboTax, you’ll get your maximum refund, guaranteed. Allstate has special savings on TurboTax just for you: http://al.st/2WNDCOc
It's officially winter! With a new season upon us, please let us know if you have any new insurance needs. We're here to help!
We have the cutest little helper at the office today! Lulu is 8 wks old. 💙🎉💙