Top Rated Pool Service in Orlando, FL. Let us do all the work so you can enjoy your weekends in the pool!
Skimming the surface of the pool for floating debris and emptying the skimmer basket takes just a minute or two. Dispose of this waste away from the pool so it can't blow back into the water or be tracked back into the area.
If buying your own chemicals for the pool, you can save money by shopping for deals online. Many online sites like an Amazon provide affordable deals then big brand retail pool stores.
Thinking about putting a pool in your backyard? An inground pool can cost anywhere from $25k-$50k. Always look to get multiple quotes.
Are you doing everything you can to keep your pool clean during the summer? Here are some useful tips..
5 Ways to Keep Your Pool Algae Free During the August Heat
A typical pool pump that runs daily typically costs up to $50 a month on the electric bill. During the summer it is wisse to run 24/7 on a low speed.