Meeting All Of Your Drilling And Blasting Needs.
Drilling | Cedar City, UT | 3-Rivers, Inc. Drilling & Blasting
Some Blasts are supose to be small and have low vibrations. Other shots like the ones in this video are meant to be big and are meant to break a lot of rock.
If you listen near the end of the video you can hear a rock hit a pice of metal. when a shot throws rocks its called fly rock. Fly rock is not ideal in critical blasting (blasting near structures) but in more remote areas when we are trying to break a lot of rock it isn't as much of a problem. As long as all people and equpment are clear.
Watching the ground explode never gets old!
There is a lot of work that goes on before and after each shot. Our 3-Rivers crews are there all day getting the shot ready. If the shot is in a mine like the one in this video they have to stop opperations during the blast and must wait until someone from 3-Rivers visually checks to make sure its safe. The mine then resumes normal operation.